the last lullaby.

Jan 15, 2011 23:35

I've been meaning to picspam this film for several weeks now, and I finally got the chance to do it! (I had my last exam yesterday - it was very difficult (alhough not as difficult as that exam I took two years ago for the uni in Prague) and I know I could have done better, but it could also have been a lot worse, so I just have to hope for the best. The essays were OK, and there was a question on action potentials that went like a dream, but there was an utterly dreadful question on muscles right at the end :/ Ugh, we'll see.) ANYWAY. Happier things!

This post will probably dovetail into reversatility's upcoming 'Why Sasha Alexander Is Awesome' post, which I'm very excited about seeing! This film is definitely my favourite that Sasha's done, although her character Sarah's not my favourite of her characters (that would be Maura, obviously). This kind of film isn't usually my thing, since I've never particularly liked films with a 'damsel-in-distress', but it's a very good film, and Sarah was a really complex character, which I loved. Therefore, under the cut we have the trailer, my thoughts on Sasha as an actress generally (but with a little detail on this film), and then the picspam itself. There are very few spoilers - I know this isn't a well-known film so I avoided scenes with important plot points.

image Click to view

Obviously, there are many other actors in this film, but I'm just going to focus on Sasha, because she's the reason I actually watched The Last Lullaby in the first place. I actually think that although everyone in the film is very good, she's the best part (it's not just my bias talking - she won Best Actress at the San Diego Film Festival). I think the lovely readthesubtext said something similar when talking about Sasha's role in NCIS - that Sasha is an incredibly talented actress because her roles are always so diverse. If it wasn't for Sasha's features (her dimples are a dead giveaway :D), I wouldn't guess that Maura Isles, Kate Todd and Sarah were played by the same woman. They just have completely different energies, the way they carry themselves is different, their mannerisms and tics are different. Their auras are all very different.

Here, there's a sense of vulnerability and uncertainty from the very beginning that's absent from both Maura and Kate (and from Sasha herself). Whereas many of Sasha's other characters have been quite open in most ways (Kate was a HBIC and did not apologise for it, Maura is quite honest about what an odd duck she is and doesn't seem to mind too much) for the majority of the film Sarah is hidden, and complicated. You're never quite sure what she's thinking and how much she knows, except for certain scenes where the facade drops. There's a connection between both Sarah and Price from the beginning - not necessarily sexual, but a real emotional connection between two people who... who both needed to find the other person. And yet that's not shoved down your throat (bad metaphor, I know), it's just there and lingers in the air between them. It's that relationship that makes me enjoy the film so much.

If I were to pick a favourite scene, it would most definitely have to be the scene in the motel room towards the end of the film. The first time I watched it I was quite surprised by part of it, but upon rewatches there are hints throughout that this is coming. In the whole film there's a good chemistry between Sarah and Price, but right there, there's a togetherness, and a sense of trust to everything they say. Everything feels real.
However, my favourite moment in the whole film is the final shot of Sarah. It is literally stunning - there are no words, she doesn't need words, everything is right there in her eyes. There is just so much in that final look.

OK, I'm going to stop rambling now :)

Price: You've decided that you need her dead, and that means she's already dead. She just doesn't know it yet.

Sarah: I guess everyone always says that, right? 'I'm going to go.'

Sarah: And then no-one ever does.

Sarah: It's over, Rick.
Rick: Is it?

Sarah: I'm just ready for all of it to be over, you know?

Sarah: If you touch me again, I will goddamn scream.

Sarah: I'm happy to be out. Around people. It's just, I feel like such a jerk for ever letting Rick anywhere near me. I get lonely, I drop my guard...

Sarah: I don't get a lot of guests up here; I'm not really good at this.

Sarah: It's called a joke. It's generally better when both people laugh, but... hey, something to look forward to, right?

Sarah: I think he wanted me to be more like him, to share in this odd fascination he had with killing defenseless animals.

Sarah: I don't think I like being saved much.

Sarah: You've seen too much too.
Price: I'm fine. My share, whatever.

Sarah: We don't get a share, Jack. Not if we're lucky.

Price: I'm not leaving. I'll be right here, come on. Right here.

Sarah: A small part of me didn't even mind. Being tired will do that to you. Make you wish for it all to stop.

Sarah: You held me like... like it was more than comfort for you, and for the first time in a long time I didn't feel so alone. 

Sarah: I can't keep running. I can't keep pretending like none of this ever happened.

Price: We're good. You and me.


+++, where you can find photos, a list of all the awards the film won, plus a link to where you can buy the film and the score
+++ behind the scenes - in which people say lovely things about Sasha, and Sasha herself looks super lovely and is generally thoughtful and serious and careful and charming, and is also a total sweetheart
+++ The Last Lullaby at IMDb and on Facebook
+++ a set of icons that I made, all of Sasha (nothing like a little self-promotion :D)

If you've seen the film, drop me a line because I'd love to talk about it :) I hope you all enjoyed this :)

university, delightful people: sasha alexander, picspam, exams, film: the last lullaby, pretty people

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