Get Up, Get Up, Get Up - Barek/Eames [Criminal Intent]

Jan 30, 2010 00:09

OMG YAY ANOTHER CI VID! Finally! I've been wanting to do another CI vid for ages and ages but just wasn't getting any inspiration whatsoever. A couple of months ago an awesome friend of mine (flying_peanuts is made of ultimate win, you guys!) sent me this song and I just fell in love and had to vid to it, and CI had the right atmosphere for it, especially Alex. Since my favourite pairing is Barek/Eames I knew I had to vid to it and I finally got the time to finish it tonight!

It was inspired by an absolutely incredible fic I read by the wonderful omiceti, and (omg this makes me sound like such an unbelievable tool) also by a fic I wrote last year.

Unlike 'Near To You', this vid is without a doubt a Barek/Eames relationship, so if you're not into that please don't watch. I'm hoping it's all fairly self-explanatory, but essentially the first part of the video is the falling-in-love bit. It's from Barek's point of view and her thoughts (and the part that says 'I wouldn't love her now' is more like a nightmare than what actually happens. Then my fic kind of takes over, and it's sort of important that you read it to understand, but the basic summary is that Barek finds out about Alex's kidnap while on stakeout and then Ross makes her stay in the squadroom and so she has to watch the others prepare to go out and look for Alex. At the 'I need you' it segues into omiceti's wonderful wonderful fic and seriously YOU NEED TO READ IT, IT'S AMAZING and from there it's sort of self-explanatory.

Production notes:
SONG: As I said above, the lovely flying_peanuts sent me the song and I just had to vid it. It's got such a vulnerable quality to it, but there's a strength there too. I go into it more articulately, I think, in this post, but it also makes me think of this poem here (Wait, by Galway Kinnell) in the way it makes me feel. Mostly, I just adore this song and I'm so glad I got the opportunity to vid to it, and I'm glad I actually like the result!
EFFECTS: Well... as always the effects were a challenge. When I think of this song I think of a kind of sepia/brown tone, but I didn't want to make it too dark because the song, in a way, is sort of light too (I gave up making sense a long time ago!). So I settled for this particular tone and I think it works well. The piano in this song is one of the reasons I love it so much and it seemed pretty natural to follow it. The fading to black and white thing was done for reasons I'm not quite sure of, but I think it works well, especially in the bridge part (mostly because it's like, everything's faded to black and white while she doesn't know what's happened to Alex). The actual clips are fairly simple. There were some contrast changes in places to emphasise the black and white, but most of my effort went into manips this time, and I'm really rather proud with how they turned out.

This fic is dedicated to three amazing people:
omiceti, who wrote the original fic that inspired me and is a downright wonderful, lovely person who has been one of the people I've grown to trust the most over the last months. Thank you <3
flying_peanuts, who sent me this song and introduced me to Barcelona, and is made of total awesome and loveliness. Like omiceti, she has been a godsend over the last few months and has been there for me pretty much every step of the way, so thank you <3
lilysela, who is one of the people who most motivated me to make this - she has such a great enthusiasm for all things Barek/Eames, I wanted to get this done that much faster so she could see it <3

I hope you like it! If you want a download link to either the song or the video, that is absolutely fine - just drop me a comment and I'll upload for you :)

Song: Get Up, Get Up, Get Up
Artist: Barcelona

I own nothing. No copyright infringement intended. Video is also at my YouTube. Comments are appreciated a great deal - they mean a lot to me <33

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ship: barek/eames, things for people i love, fanvid, tv: criminal intent

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