Aug 21, 2004 01:24
So, fuck you Mrs. i wont let you go see an 'R' rated movie because i have no emotions and i have a stupidface. I wanted to go see Garden State, but noooo.. and i've been waiting for that to come out for so long. ack, at least at the kent theater i can get in for free, but we never get any sweet movies.
I got my schedule for school today, well i had to go in to change it. It's pretty good i guess, I'm trying out to get into band 2nd semester which will hopefully go well, because i really want to play in jazz ensemble because the drummer they have now isn't good. haha. This year will be different .. but i'm thinking it will go well.
This new blood brothers is awesome. Shit. When they played it at the grog shop, i thought it sounded sweet. But hearing the recording, it's sounds so smooth and i like the new style. That band is amazing. And i'm addicted to the Head automatica cd.
So, i'm working tomorrow during the day. hmmm, and later at night is cassie's formal dance party. It should be awesome. I'm ready to dance.
Anything going on next week???
CRAZYBOARDER123: tell me if you see any cd cases lying aorund (pooor bassel, i love you)