Oct 11, 2004 00:31

crazyness, crazyness, crazyness......

Long time man....haha who am I talking to? umm haven't updated in awhile so here we go with what I have done.

Hung out with Neil a lot :D no complaints there.....Joe hung out with us too.  Umm we went to dinner at bertucci's on friday night ( I think) and it was really good....Neil came over yesterday and we hung out and then Joe came over at like 11:30 and we ordered food for him and hung out and then TONIGHT we went to the border cafe :) and it was really good and then we went to the lake and then to krispy kreme where we found out that Neil can pick me up and try to put me on the roof of a car but I didnt want to sit there so he put me on the trunk instead and then I tied his hood strings around his head and double knotted it and he couldnt see it was funny. Then we sat in the car for a long time and then came home!

Thats pretty much all we do.....hang out and go out to dinner  :D its a good time!!

Good story yay! THE END!



<3 ;)
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