stupid ear.

Jan 02, 2007 08:30

Current mood: groggy

both cait and i have been dealing with colds for the last couple of weeks.

it is just after 7 and i am finally home and in minimal pain. i woke up at 3 with intense ear pain, a swollen tonsil, and my right eye gooed shut. my dad knows the drill rather well by now and he came in with juice, motrin, and the heating pad. he rubbed my back for over thirty minutes while i screamed in pain. i waited as long as possible and i couldnt take it anymore. my dad was dressed and ready *luckily* and at just after 4 we set out for the e.r.

not three minutes after walking through the door and filling out paper work - blood and sticky pus poured from my ear. the pressure that had been mounting for a couple hours prior had been released.

they gave me lortab, augmentin, and ear drops *2* one for infection and one sterioid to build it back.

i got to see kara b/c she was working tonight. she has her second interview with stryker soon. second in a series of five. i am very happy for her - great great friend.

i miss my girlfriend right now more than i think i ever have. however, i am thankful i was here in alpharetta because without a doubt it would have scared the shit out of cait to see what my dad had grown accustomed to. not to mention - neither of us know how to get to the emergency room at kennestone hospital.

i am sure i wont remember typing this in a couple hours when i wake up again, the lortab is working - sleep time.
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