Oct 06, 2005 07:26
Tuesday sucked big time. The test that I thought I did well on? I get 29 of 39, and the funny thing is, I had all the right answers (except for 1) but I could've "written a longer answer". Jesus, if it's right, it's right, you're not supposed to take away points. I cried, especially since I'm usually the best in the class. Now Emrah was. No one saw me cry since I cried at home and no one knows what my result was. More on that later. Gym was okay. We played rugby or something.. Not sure. I was doing pretty good, defensing the goal from other people and all, but Emrah charged into me and I flew backwards and landed on the left side of my butt... Ouch. I've got a big bruise. At least Emrah apologized afterwards, that was nice. After school, I was in a bad mood. I tried to make some kind of vegetable filled with rice and other vegetables, but it didn't turn out so well. I burnt the rice twice and forgot to put salt and pepper on. Disaster. After 2 hours when it was done, I ended up throwing it out. Great.
Wednesday= much, much, much better. There's a new girl in my class, Natalie.. She's really nice. And in spanish class, I was the only one who knew all the answers. We didn't have gym, since we had to go to this opening of the outdoor gym thing next to my school. The weather was great. Pia's dad, who's a politician, was there and cut the ribbon. Then the best guys that play soccer had to play soccer on the field in front of everyone. Jonas and Alexis played. Yummy. They're both so hot. After school, I studied for my english test which is today, and read about fish for geology *fuuuun*. I went to McDonalds with my mom and ate a McFeast. Filling. It had been like 6 months since I had McDonalds. The Lost finale was on tv. Sweden is usually like 1 year behind, but now just a few weeks. Season 2 starts up next week. The finale? Intense. Can't wait until next week. O.C. was on at the same time, but I recorded it. Gonna watch it today.
I just ate a huuuuuge breakfast to get up to 49 kilos again since I have to weigh myself. I think I weight 48.8 at the moment, but I'm so stuffed and full of liquid. I hate going to the nurse's every week. Yeah.... Off to brush my teeth and write down more recipes, heeh.