Bryce tagged me. This means I have to tag 6 people (no tag backs!) And they have to say 6 weird things about me. But lucky me, I don't have 6 friends (well, 6 friends who actually update this), so to make this easy and obvious...
I was tagged by
(1) I am kind of OCD. When I do dishes, I dry my hands almost after every dish I rinse.
(2) I have my tees and tanks in my closet organized by color and style.
(3) I (and Joshua) pick parts and act out Wicked songs in his car... with facial expressions, head turns and everything.
(4) I have dreams about my dead relatives after they die.
(5) I am terrible at hold aim conversations, but I can hold conversations in person.
(6) Before any big event (a show, Prom, etc) I get so nervous and worried I end up crying before it!. I had a panic attack in the car on my way to Scapin once.
lightmycandle23, I choose you!