001 (Voice)

Feb 23, 2010 03:09

[Have a new voice, Barge. A new, dryly sarcastic British-accented monotone voice.]

Well, Mr. San'ko, it seems your mock execution was a towering success. As you can clearly hear, I'm completely cowering in your wake and awaiting further torture meant to secure my obedience. A little gratitude for my substantial contribution to what is clearly an ineffectual and, if I may be blunt, something of a sham operation would be appreciated and is really all I ask. You needn't have stooped to such dramatics.

[There's a lengthy pause, as if he's waiting for a response.]

So quiet, San'ko. And here we have so much to talk about, like perhaps why you thought it best to pretend to put a bullet in my head, drug me, and leave me in this place? If that's too much trouble for you, you can start with where I am.

not what he's expecting, did not maintain control of that, i dare you to break me, cocky little son of a bitch

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