Feb 01, 2007 23:37
I have this teacher who is a complete idiot. I've had plenty of idiot teachers in my 16 years of schooling, but this guy wins by a longshot. Here's why he's an idiot:
-He's a college professor, yet cannot enter grades correctly. Every class I've had with him he has totally fucked up my final grade. Of course this could also be because I've heard that he gives girls lower grades because he thinks they aren't as good as men when it comes to technology.
-Speaking of technology, he's an AUDIO teacher, yet the other day in class, he was completely baffled as to how to plug his laptop into the classroom speakers.
-He gets really angry when he tells us stuff and we don't act all excited. No one really cares. It's class, we're all half asleep and thinking about what we're going to eat for lunch. So he throws fits saying stuff like "Well, fine, I figured you guys would be interested, but I guess not and if you guys don't care, I'll just stop telling you" and gets all mad. It's so rediculous.
-He's is the most un-funny man on earth. Serously. You know those people that are SO not funny that you can't even PRETEND to laugh just to be nice?? This is him. The whole class just looks at each other when he says something stupid that he thinks is funny. No one can even sympathy laugh at the man.
-He gave me a C in an ONLINE class that I took. Which means that I did all the work online, where it gave me my scores on everything right away. So I know I got an A. Somehow, he gave me a C. Now he refuses to talk to me about it and won't answer my emails.
-The man is my academic advisor. I'd be better going to the middle school down the road and picking out a random 5th grader to advise me on my college schedule. Freshman year, I did not know how much he would screw me over, so I went to him for "academic advisement". I ended up having to take extra classes later to make up for ones that he told me I didn't need and I withdrew from.
-I had him for a public speaking class. There were a lot of jocks in that class as well. They never showed up because they had games or whatever, and they never had to make up their speeches that they didn't do, but they miraculously received A's. I did all my speeches, did them well and on time, and got a low B.
So I have this man for TWO classes this semester. By the time I got out of the first class I had with him of the semester, I already wanted to kill him or myself. I didn't think it was possible for any person to get on my nerves like this man does.