Oct 27, 2005 22:15
I think a fuck you is in order... SO uh: FUCK YOU.
Today was good. I visited the laundromat and stuff... then i wnet to ricki's and tried on clothes for like... 3 hours. That was special. I have to go pay my cell phone bill... 183$!!!!!! WTF. weeelll... its all my regualr stuff... then i went over my daytime minutes by 50$.. and then some extra charges for other crap. Lmae shit. Whatever I'll do it. I also visited Sir Simon at the gap. I nee dto grow some testicles or something... Not because he's gay (for all you fucktards) but because i'm too chicken to ask him out.
Whatever You know i'm not.. so i prolly will... eventually
My work schedule as follows:
Monday oct 24/2005:
8:30am-5:00pm- Lotteries
5:30-10:30pm- Ricki's
Tuesday oct 25/2005:
8:30-5:00pm -Lotteries
Wednesday oct 26/2005:
8:30-5:00pm -Lotteries
Thursday oct 27/2005:
2:00pm- 4:30pm-Ricki's Unpaid Try on session
Friday oct 28/2005:
5:00-pm-10:00pm -Ricki's
Saturday Oct 29/2005:
2:00pm- 7:00pm-Ricki's
Sunday oct 30/2005:
2:00pm-7:00pm- Ricki's
Monday oct 31/2005:
8:30-5:00pm -Lotteries
Tuesday nov 1/2005:
8:30-5:00pm -Lotteries
wednesday nov 2/2005:
8:30-5:00pm -Lotteries
Thursday nov 3/2005:
nothing scheduled....yet
Friday nov 4/2005:
5:30-10:00pm- Ricki's
Saturday Nov 5/2005:
2:00pm-7:00pm- Ricki's
Sunday Nov 6/2005:
6:00pm-8:30pm- Staff meeting Ricki's