well heck, why not post this EVERYWHERE?

May 04, 2009 19:25

So, I can finally talk about my really, really good news.


May 4, 2009
Erin Blakemore's THE HEROINE'S BOOKSHELF, an inspiring look at literature's greatest and most enduring female characters -- such as Jo March, Jane Eyre, Elizabeth Bennet, Laura Ingalls and others -- and their authors, who have helped shape the inner lives of generations of women, teasing out universal tenets of strength and survival, and gleaning the wisdom and solace they offer to help women navigate these challenging times and find their inner heroine, to Jeanette Perez at Harper, in a nice deal, by Larry Weissman at Larry Weissman Literary (World).
Anyone who knows me knows both my enduring love for these books and my own closet passion to publish my own.  That they're intersecting in this awesome way is humbling and very, very exciting.  Suffice it to say that I've been VERY fortunate for an unproven debut author.  I feel a lot of my age-old excuses and what-ifs fading away, too, which is big.

This...feels big.

Also:  OMG I get/haveto write a book now!  Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

More soon on the process, if anyone cares.  Thanks for everyone for bearing with my insanity as I white-knuckled my way through this thing.

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