Jul 07, 2009 06:07
I know it's been HELLA long since I actually updated this thing. But I'm sitting here in the Maun airport and I realized that there's a few thoughts I want to get down before I forget them and I can type a HECK of a lot faster than hand-write! So here goes:
I love this country. Botswana is seriously an amazing place to be! I'm not entirely sure I could explain why if I had to, but let me try. The weather here is perfect...never really gets lower than 2 (and I've been told it's gotten to -2 a couple of times EVER), and that's only at night. Every day it reaches at least 15-20 degrees celsius. So though we are used to more extreme ranges of weather in Canada - we are not used to the extremes that this country goes through in a single day. So the weather here is beautiful.
It RARELY rains. Because of it's geographical position, it hardly ever rains in Botswana. The sky is pretty much cloudless every single day. It's just a vast expanse of BLUE!
The people here are awesome. (at least from what I've experienced in Maun) - there are obviously some exceptions. But i've felt welcome since I've gotten here - and people have respected my privacy and personal space. I have made some great friends, and I hope they will come and visit me in Canada.
This country is politically and economically stable. It is quite different from other african countries - and I have generally felt a lot more comfortable here, especially in certain situations, than I have felt in other African countries.
The environment and wildlife here is amazing! I mean, elephants, giraffes, hippos, rhinos, hyenas, lions, warthogs, mongooses...etc - the list goes on an on. As well - beautiful, beautiful birds!
Things are generally cheaper here! I mean - booze is basically free! haha - no seriously though, whereas a bottle of beer back home would cost anywhere between 4-5 dollars, here it's 1 dollar. Wine is cheap, and it's GOOD WINE from South Africa.
The food here is also cheap - and absolutely tasteful and flavourful. Their tradiational food satisfies my appetite to no end! I really hope I can find some Maize Meal when I get home (do we have that in Canada?) haha.
The relaxed, easy-going attitude here is something we could all learn a little bit from in Canada. Seriously - they don't get grey hairs here until their late 30's! haha - most of my friends have had at least one grey hair by age 24. We are way too stressed out.
My one complaint would be the internet - they don't have the greatest telecommunications infrastructure here in terms of the internet. Cell-phones however are fine.
Anyways - not sure what else I want to say exactly right now, except that I am having an amazing time here, and I am almost certain that at some point in my life i will be moving to Botswana to live/work for a couple of years. I think I would like to work myself around Southern Africa. It would be an amazing life adventure!
In closing - I think you should ALL come visit me - since I'm only here for about 2.5 more weeks! Hope everyone back home is having fun, and I will talk to you all soon!