aventually i will start doing this daily again

May 02, 2005 01:57

yea it has been a while, since i have done a decent update. for me though it is alot of the smae, conditions have changed a bit but, the routine remains the same. shane and swimmer are both home for the summer, that kinda sucks, believe it or not i miss those guys, if not only for the awesome time we always have drinking together, or just discing together. it always sucks when good friends leave. but, jess moved in and thats a good thing, general spirits in the house are awesome. everyone is happy no one can complain. but we all work....alot, because of this mrs. swimmer came in and found the house in a not so clean condition. granted it wasnt horrible, but not that clean at all. she spent most of the day cleaning. when i came home and saw it i instantly felt bad. we have been trying to get this house clean for a long while, but we all work 30+ hours a week here and most of the time its up....work...sleep. thats about it. but w.e they will get over it. but as for other things, i am doing very well. i have managed to find myself in another high resposibility position at work, i am basically a manager w/o the name tag. i had been training for about a week and they finally gave me the power numbers about a week ago. so i can do all the cool administrative things now, like give discounts when needed and ok a lack of a drivers liscence to give a return w.o a reciept. i also have the TAO aka best buy email, direct communication with all the managers and such. so now instead of spending all my time in the front lanes, i spend most of my time all over the store, go where i am needed. either at check out or at customer service or helping customers that approach me inbetween. it has made the job a heck of alot of fun, i get more customer interaction good or bad and i am doing alot more then i was before. all of the employees like the fact that i can do this as well so, its good times. i must say that this job is probably the best i have ever had, its fun and the people i work with are amazing everyone of them, at least in ops. i have managers that go out of thier way to help me along the way. the store as a whole is just great, everyone there helping everyone else inorder to better advance ourselves. when things like that happen i dont care where you are, that is a great thing.

i will write more later, i hope, i seem to be to busy even for myself anymore. i am comming home the weekend of the 15th so people who want to get in touch with me or just catch up get a hold of me. i will be there from friday to monday night. back in time for class and work on tuesday.

later kids
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