Sep 21, 2004 20:10
Wow. It's been a long time siced i've posted something. I guess I'm trying to get back into the swing of things (still). I miss homemade lunches. I wish my mom would pack my lunch again and put those sweet little messages saying something like, "Hello my Ju-Ju Bean (yes, my mom calls me Ju-Ju Bean, and has even before I could make any sense as to what she was saying), I hope you have a splended day! Love, Mom." Those were the days. Well school hasn't been too bad. Not too bad at all. I love seeing people and just hanging out. I like not having to be under pressure or uncomfortable. I just like to chill and just be there experiencing the moment. Nevermind, I'm bad at this sort of thing. So, this is the last week of the first six weeks. I's gone by way too fast. like whoa. Oh well. I have glasses now. I'm surprised I haven't lost them yet. Gosh I'm bad at this. I dont see how some people can post everyday. I'm already out of stuff to say. Oh, well. I guess we all can't be gifted in having something interesting to say all the time. And with that, I'll leave you to ponder wether you are or not.