(no subject)

Nov 27, 2004 17:00


Created by andy and taken 6612 times on bzoink!
+ Basics +Are you emotional :yesDo songs make you cry? If so, name a few :yes and noWhat about movies :yesWhat emotion do you usually feel :sad+ Sadness +What does it take to make you cry your heart out :being yelled atHow many times have you done that :alotWhere do you cry :in a dark room curled up in a ball under coversDo you hate crying :yesDo you like it when others cry :noDo you think tears make eyes look pretty :yesWho looks good when they cry :the hell if i knowHow else do you express sadness :poemsAre you sad all the time :no+ Anger +What does it take to make you mad :start talking to me meanWhat do you do when you're angry :scream and listen to music really really loudHow short is your temper :not that shortHow long does it take you to calm down :a couple cdsWhat's the worst thing you've done when you were mad :slit my wrist to where i passes outDo you freak out when others are angry :yesHas anyone ever recommended anger management to you :yesWhat's the worst thing someone's done to make you mad :kicked me out b/c of my bfDo you anger people :most do + Joy +How often are you happy :aleast at one point of most daysWhat makes you happy :only and music and friendsWhat do you do when you're happy :enjoy myself How optimistic are you :reallyDo happy people make you mad :sometimesWhat's the worst thing someone can do while they're happy :hurt someone elses feelingsEver been so happy you were dying to tell everyone :yesEver been so happy you cried :yesDo you smile a lot :yesKiss people a lot:noWho really makes you happy :onlyDo you like doing things for people when you're happy :yes+ Fear +What do you do when you're scared :curl in a ball and hide and cryWhat scares you :grave yards and clowns (attempting to get over it)Do you like scaring people :noDo you like the trill of being frightened :sometimesDoes fear accompany anger in your case :noEver been so scared you couldn't breathe :yesHow often do you panic :alotWhat's the one thing that scared you more than anything else EVER :grave yardsWhat do you do to calm your nerves :cryDo rollercoasters scare you :no+ The strongest emotion +What song never fails to get your strongest emotions going :Welcome to mylifeMovie :noneCommericial :nonePerson :onlyThing :poemsSight :bloodSound :screamsFood :noneThing you're looking forward to/want :+ What do you do +When the emotion suck :cryWhen the emotion rocks :smileWhen there's no emotion :lifeless+ Would you rather +Never feel again :noFeel loneliness or anger for the rest of your life :angerBe happy forever and never experience bad times :noneCause misery :noFeel misery :noBe alone :noBe with everyone you know :yes+ Who +Cheers you up more than anyone else :onlyAngers you more than anyone else :momScares you more than anyone else :momMakes you think about your emotions more than anyone else :momMakes you really care about how they feel and what they think :only
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