Letter to Swedish Medical Financial Aid

Jan 12, 2009 12:41

Dear Swedish Medical Financial Aid Section -

I have received the enclosed letter telling me that I have failed to turn in some required documents. I failed to receive the list of documents, and the nice woman I spoke to on the phone had very little idea what they might be. I have enclosed my weekly unemployment payment, which is my sole source of income other than begging friends and relatives. Your records will show that I am married, but I am estranged from my broke, unemployed wife. It is unlikely she will be sending me anything other than bad thoughts.
I received roughly $25,000 dollars in medical care that I am currently on the hook for. From the moment I went in, I repeatedly told the people helping me that I am unemployed, broke, have no insurance, and just want to know that I’m not having a stroke. However, when a real medical doctor (the kind you haven’t talked to in years because you’re broke, unemployed, and have no insurance) tells you that you may be having a brain aneurism or spinal failure, you listen too him and get a spinal tap, full MRI, vein blockage x-ray, etcetera, even when you start to feel like you’re getting all this care because it’s a slow day.
My ambulance bill has gone to collections. My X-ray and blood work are going there soon. I cannot pay these bills, and each new past due notice that comes through my mailbox is another nail in the coffin of me ever hoping to further my college education, own a house, etc. I owe the hospital more than I have ever earned in a year.
Please, please, please grant me some leniency. My final diagnosis from a flippant and distracted doctor? Get some medical insurance and a primary care doctor, because that is obviously in my reach, and take aspirin and contact him if I have further complications. His bill is about to go to collections too.

Thank you in advance for removing the terrible sinking feeling I get whenever I open the mailbox,

Brooks Call

bad depressive prose

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