Name: Blaire
Sex: Female
Age/Birthday: 15. one day, 8/15/88
Location: Michigan
Interests/Hobbies: Dance ( 13 years =] ), swimming, hanging out with friends, having a good time, playing card games,
Favorite Clothing line[s]: Hollister, American Eagle, Urban Outfitters
Who told you about us:no one
Promote us & Provide the link: im on the right.
**** i had the cutest oicture of me on spring break and im in this really cute skirt. So i went to put it in the scanner and my scanner wont work. my dad just up graded our comp so its not like installed yet. so hopefully i can get a better full body shot in here. i wouldnt have joined right now if i would have known. sorry!
im on the left.
im on the left.
ill try and put more pics on here but that god damn scanner is really making me mad.
well i hope you like these and ill try and get the other ones up here.