Well, thankfully that crazy journal business is over. I hear some people were getting attacked? That's unfortunate. My journal seemed to be taking pity on me very affectionate, to be honest. I suppose it doesn't blame me for losing it those times earlier in the year.
In any case, it's worth mentioning that I've taken in a second cat, at least partially. I think? Castiel entrusted Lilith to me, and although she's blind, you'd never guess that by how she acts. She and Raphael fight almost constantly, but they're from the same litter, so it's playful I hope. I've had to separate her and Raphael several times now; he's much larger than her, since she's been alone all this time... I sincerely hope the two get along eventually. Well, Lilith seems to particularly enjoy being around Castiel, so maybe if she only sleeps and eats in my room, it will be alright.
...It's a little funny; at the beginning of the school year, I never would have guessed I'd be dealing with two kittens and a still headstrong owl. Cats are... well, they're certainly a handful. [unhackable (50% to Maron)] At least it gives me something to think about outside of Yukimi and... less pleasant things. [/unhackable]
Speaking of owls, Anna finally decided to give me the invitation to the Teacher's Conference. It's in Monaco!? H-how are we even going to get there...? Please don't say "portkey," please.
[Private (why would you even hack this, Gabe.)]
[ Really it's just some incoherent squiggles that vaguely say "Kallen," "she's not angry anymore," and "not giving up" as well as... happy looking notes. A WHOLE PAGE OF THIS. Easily skippable if you're not interested in humiliating Thobari. And I do mean you, Gabriel. ]
[Filtered to Castiel]
I actually have something I wanted to ask you as well, if you don't mind...