fourteen; a new owl at the end of the year, what was I thinking?

Jun 04, 2010 00:13

[[Strikes are all 60~100% Hackable, depending on how close you are to him.]]

This is it, everyone! The final stretch! I hope you're all studying your hardest! I'm rooting for you all, even those of you whom I don't teach. And I'm not discussing the guests we had outside of that strange teacher and the rather sweet student. Castiel, this is directed at you.

As for me, I have some... rather strange news? My owl, Black, passed away last month. (And yes, his name was just "Black.") He was quite old, so I can't say I was too surprised. It's a bit sad, considering Grandpa got him for me, but, well... it's inevitable. Well, regardless, that isn't the strange part. The odd thing happened last weekend, when I decided to make a quick run to find a new one. That's not to say that the ones the school provides aren't excellent, but we tend to get a lot of post over the summer at home-- but I digress.

Long story short; as I was walking by, this owl began squawking incessantly at me. The owner of the store came to see what the fuss was about, and was surprised. It turns out the bird was a female Madgascar Red Owl, very expensive and for as long as the owner had her, she had always been very quiet. I assumed she didn't like me, but the moment the owner opened her cage, she flew up and perched on my shoulder, quiet as can be. I couldn't get her off to be honest, not without her squawking angrily again, so I ended up purchasing her, only... As soon as I got back to Hogwarts, she flew off my shoulders and that was that. I didn't even have time to give her a name.

She did reappear a few days later, of course, but she's a bit odd. For starters, she gets my mail wrong. I've been finding it in my office, in my room, in the classroom? And even in random places that I don't frequent very often. She's completely unpredictable; sometimes she'll fly in and perch on my shoulder once again, gazing at my surroundings like a hunter stalking its prey. It's more endearing than worrisome, I suppose, but I do hope she doesn't strike at anyone when she's looking like that. For some reason, she's oddly possessive of me.

In any case, if any of you happen to see any post addressed to me, can you stop by my office and hand it to me? I also need to buy a better perch for my owl, my shoulder is starting to hurt. I've been calling her "Red" for a few days now, but I don't want to continue my grandfather's trend of naming birds after colors. Do any of you have any suggestions?

[[ooc; if anyone wants to say they got some of Tobi's mail, feel free! It's probably all junk, bills, or letters from old co-workers who take pity on him. Unless you want to plot amoungst yourselves and have letters you might have sent Thobari end up in someone else's hands.]]

c; yukimi, c; coraline, my owl lost my mail, how is everybody?, sucks to be a student, not tobi dammit, odd happenings are odd, post-event, c; spencer, walking is the best way to travel, c; kallen, c; maron, c; castiel, grandpa's boy

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