twelve; the year's end is drawing closer, isn't it?

May 19, 2010 00:44

Hello, everyone! I'm back!

First of all, to all my students, I must apologize for my unnanounced absence. I got called away for a bit regarding my grandfather's estate, and the message seemed quite urgent, so I walked there as fast as I could.

And on that note, yes, I walked there. To Glasgow and from Glasgow. In retrospect, I can't imagine why I chose to do that instead of simply apparating. It would have been faster, and now my legs hurt a bit... Perhaps I was feeling nostalgic? My mind was in a difficult place, if I remember correctly, so that could have something to do with it. Walking has always cleared my head, at least.

In any case, I won't bore you all with the details of my trip because I'd really rather not talk about it, so, how has Hogwarts fared while I was away? Can't believe we lost. Damn. Studying hard, aren't we? If anyone is looking toward working on extra credit or needs help with DADA, my office hours should be posted at my door. I've extended the hours quite a bit to make up for lost time, so feel free to stop by!

[ooc; strikes hackabale to his friends/acquaintances. Except for that Quidditch bit. That's hackable to Gryffindors/Gryffindor teachers only. Also~! For anyone interested, how's about this? The Durandal's Pensieve broke. Getting it fixed took all the time Tobi was home, but he isn't about to admit to that because, well, what was his grandfather doing with a Pensieve, hmm?]

c; yosuke, c; yukimi, back from leave, hufflepuffs, how is everybody?, sucks to be a student, c; spencer, walking is the best way to travel, status report people, c; maron, c; castiel, c; jules, gryffindors

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