Feb 10, 2010 01:04

[Private Nigh-Impossible to hack]
Dark wizards killing innocents... I wonder if this is related to what happened ten years ago? If my mistakes from the past come back to haunt us... I won't forgive myself.

I'd like to extend my condolences to anyone who lost or knows anyone who lost a loved on in the attacks at Kent this week. If anyone needs someone to talk to, I know a bit about coping with loss, so... my door is always open.

If possible, I'd like to set up a moment of silence for the victims. I'm afraid I'm still quite new and wouldn't know how to get the word out, but if anyone would like to second my suggestion, I'm sure we can work something out. Perhaps before a meal in the Great Hall? I'm open to suggestions.

These attacks are unforgivable. It is during times like these that we must remain steadfast in our beliefs and band together to move forward. Although we cannot bring back those who have fallen, we can keep them alive by keeping their memories in our hearts.

[scrawled a little hastily]
Your assignments are still due on Sunday.

[Private to Miharu]
Miharu, if I could have a word with you.

c; toshiro, c; yukimi, c; fin, death eaters, event, serious matters, c; tiana, 10 years ago

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