Your Name: Sparky
Age: 22
unactiveEmail: Mods have this, right?
IM: strongmekachan
Character Name: Gippal
Series: Final Fantasy X-2
Timeline: After going down into the Farplane.
Also this.
Spoken / written languages: Common and Al Bhed, which is a scr For anything spoken/written in Al Bhed, I'll provide it's a translation.
Abilities: Being an Al Bhed, Gippal has a knack for taking apart, assembling, and operating machinery. He is a capable leader and despite his personality, Gippal is a very responsible and capable young man.
Items: Nothing but the clothes on his back.
Third Person Sample: The air outside Mi'ihen was fresh, crisp. It felt alive out here. Gippal was glad to be out of that cave. It was dark and dank and smelled like death there. This was where he belonged, outside in the sunshine. The Al Bhed didn't do well in dark places. He supposed that was one of the many hangups of being raised in the desert. Just needed the sunshine.
He was the first to arrive, right here in front of Rin's Travel Agency. But he didn't go in. Instead, he seated himself in the grass and stared at the water. It was still and Gippal idly wondered if Sin slept beneath the calm water. Sin, Spira's scourge and Gippal scoffed, casting a pebble into the water. The ripples disappeared just as soon as they were made.
“Sin doesn't hold a candle to...whatever that was down there...” He mumbled.
He tilted his head back and was greeted with an upside down Paine. “You made it!” He flopped back onto the grass and grinned at her.
“You never know when to stop do you?” Despite her tone, she was smiling. Well, as much as Paine could smile.
“You aren't thinkin' 'bout asking me to change now are you, Dr. P?” He tucked his hands underneath his head and watched the shapeless clouds pass by.
“Never,” she said.
Good, he was pretty comfortable in his skin and changing would only mean having to pretend to be someone else. He just didn't have the energy for that kind of commitment.
“You heard from Nooj and Baralai?” he asked finally, after an uncomfortable silence. She shook her head and he sighed.
“Good to know you worry.”
The pair turned at the sound of the new voice. Nooj leaned heavily on his cane and smiled at them. “You're late, Nooj,” Paine said, but she was relieved and it showed in her features. Gippal watched her get up and go to him. And with Baralai's arrival, they were all together again.
It felt just like old times. So much so, that Paine turned on the sphere recorder and smiled. “Just one for old time's sake, yeah?”
Gippal approached, waving into the sphere. “You gonna be a director after this, Paine?” he asked and she chuckled. “What? You should. I'll be the star of your first movie.” He struck a pose and she shook her head.
“Ghulg ed uvv, eteud,” she said. [Translation: Knock it off, idiot.]
“Oui muja ed.” [Translation: You love it.]
“Okay guys. Sunset. We should all get going.” Nooj was right. Warrior Monks were probably hot on their trails now. There were Al Bhed waiting for Gippal and he had intended to return to Bikanel with them. He rubbed the back of his head and stood by Baralai's side. “Once this settles down, we'll find each other again. Then figure out what we saw down there.” Nooj said. It was so like him, barking out orders like they were middle of a training exercise.
“Sounds like a plan to me,” Said the Al Bhed, “Guess this is it til then. It was great working with you. Catch you on the flip.” With his back turned to them, he threw his hand up in a casual wave.
The gunshot had resounded loudly, it felt as though the sounded vibrated against his skull. Baralai dropped to the ground and Gippal whirled around, his hand reaching for his weapon. It felt like the world had slowed down to a crawl and it took a moment for Gippal to realize that he had been shot too, in the shoulder. There was no pain, initially. Only shock, confusion as his eyes met Nooj's through the smoke spilling from the gun he held. His expression was maniacal and as Gippal fell to the ground, he turned his head and managed to shout to Paine.
“Paine, nih!” [Translation: Paine, run!]
First Person Sample:
E tuh'd drehg E'ja ajan caah machina mega drec pavuna. Hmm.
[There are sounds, static and scraping. He's tinkering with it and trying to figure out how to get it apart.]
Hud duu cryppo. Drehg E'mm dyga ed ybynd, caa fryd sygac ed delg. Zicd ruba E lyh bid ed pylg dukadran ykyeh.
[Oh hello there blinking light. It's recording. He clears his throat.]
Oh hey, this thing's on? Sorry 'bout that. I'm Gippal, if there's anybody out there listenin'. This can't be an Al Bhed ship. Much too fancy and not enough metal.
So if you're not Al Bhed...then who are you? I don't have any money, if that's what you're after. So how's about lettin' me go back home? No?
[No response.]
Ahhh vunkad ed.
Preferred Quarters: Nope~! Pick away.