Jul 05, 2005 21:56
List 5 things you enjoy, even when no one is around you. What lowers your stress/blood pressure/anxiety level? Post it to your journal... And then tag 5 friends and ask them to post it to theirs.
1. reading magazines. any magazines, but specifically vogue, lucky, radar, and sometimes teen vogue (shhh don't tell anyone).
2. listening to rap. bad, cheesy, commercial rap. and kanye west.
3. watching gilmore girls with tony
4. playing with cassie mae (how i love my puppy!)
5. watching basically anything on vh1 (except for those horrible new shows they advertise all the time...surreal life, kept, strip search, etc. and 'driven,' because i more or less don't care.)
so let's hear from...
Matt B
back in athens now. the little kitty is just as bad as she was when i left. before i came home today, justin morgan came over to visit john and i thought cassie was going to maul him. all he hair on her back stood up and she barked like i had never heard her bark before. it was actually quite scary. particularly when he sat down in the seat on the sofa that she likes. she charged at him. scared the shit out of him too, lol. she's going through this phase where she hates everyone except people she's already met. i think she feels like she needs to protect the family. except when she's at the vet, where she loves everyone. strange little dog, lol. but justin threw a treat at her and he was her new favorite person. lol i've never seen a dog get so vicious with new people though. but she starts her training soon so maybe she'll be good from now on (but that's not likely).
did i mention that 'crash' is a great movie? everyone go see it.