Tonight, my dears, an escapade

Nov 16, 2007 19:26

of the Disney variety. One of my friends is having a Sweet Sixteen and has, for some unknown reason, invited me. We're not particularly close, but I do adore her, she is sweet and cheery and her boyfriend speaks fluent Italian - and his name is Fabrizio. How cool is that. And I'm in a black skirt and a red shirt and black shoes and lots of makeup. And the play went well.... (I'm going to be horribly self-centered here, even more so than I usually am) The day after our first performance Abbe asked us, "So what did you think? What sorts of comments did you get from the audience?" and the first thing, and all at the same time, everybody says some variety of "Everyone asked about that girl who played Woody! Everybody asked about Sam! Who is that girl? She's really good! She's new?!" and my personal favorite, from Steven Wachter(♥): "My mom actually asked me to move out so she could adopt Sam."

And to top my good mood off, Tony (my history teacher - I only call him Tony when he isn't around, his name is actually Mr. Perrone. Legally. His first name is Mister. Tony is just a nickname... that's a lie, it's not, I'm kidding) sent out an email degrading all of our internet usernames. His last sentence was "Sorry giggles, scooby, spade, skittles, and a few others that did leave me LOL."

A forty-something man using the phrase lol... only it was LOL, in caps. Everybody adores him, he's the best teacher I've ever had, I mean - there's a Facebook group dedicated to his wonderfulness. I'm an officer - my title is the Corrupter. :)

I adore him. =]

new york, school, email, perrone, theatre

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