Feb 09, 2010 16:18

I can't believe I haven't posted my Lost episode reactions on here yet. It's probably because I'm friends with so many of you on facebook.

-Besides Foxy's hair length, the first difference I noticed in the alternate reality/sideways flashes/whatever was the number of alcohol bottles Cindy, the flight attendant!Other game Jack - one instead of the original two. Looks like Sideways!Jack won't be hitting the liquor quite so hard this time around. Maybe he won't even become his father. Hah.

-So the island is underwater. I've read many theories on that, but...well, basically...WHAT THE HELL?!

-I like that Kate landed in a tree after the explosion. I kept laughing gleefully. I love tree-climbing Kate. It's been so long since we've last seen her.

-I definitely called that the bomb would actually send them back to 2007. Actually, I kind of suspected the both realities thing. I really did. They'll (hopefully) merge at some point.

-I love the way Sawyer looks lustfully at Kate on the airplane haha.

-Hurley is...lucky? Ummmm. Get ready for Sawyer to con you out of those lotto winnings. Honestly, Hugo. Be a little more careful.

-I can't believe we saw Arzt. Haha. Oh, I *missed* him.

-Juliet's death...so. damn. sad. I cried every time I saw it. "We should get some coffee sometime. We can go dutch." Delusional speak? I think not. We'll be seeing them get coffee in the sideways reality. I believe it. Also, she was in a red shirt. Why didn't we see it coming?

-Hurley looks funny holding a gun.

-Button up yo sweater, Sun!

-"If this thing goes down, I'm sticking with you." Oh, Boone. Really? You did stick with Locke when the plane went down. Just look where it got you.

-Charlie was all, "I was supposed to die" and I was, "You did."

-Haha, we saw Frogurt again. Oh, Frogurt. I'd completely forgotten about you until my epic marathon before the premiere.

-Fake!Locke=Man in Black=Smoke Monster...WHAT. THE. FUCK. AWESOME. This explains so many mysteries. "I'm sorry you had to see me like that."

-You wanna know what else I called? Kate escaping from the damn bathroom. Just like in a fanfic I wrote a few months back. In it, the bomb worked, they land safely, and Kate avidly talks about how badly she needs to go to the bathroom. Bam! She escapes. I wrote it first, I swear. Haha. I win at life.

-Kate totally stole Jack's pen. How freaking kick ass is that? She stole his pen on the plane and used it to try and get her cuffs off. Now that's Jate I like...hahahaha.

-Jack really needs to cut his hair. Maybe go back to the buzz cut. Because he looks like a dumb ass with his hair parted like that.

-Jorge Garcia cut his hair so its more season one style. I love it.

-They lost Christian's body even in sideways world...oh, Lost.

-I really hope the whispers are explained this season.

-THE ELEVATOR SCENE. Kate and Sawyer on the elevator? Sawyer totally sees her cuffs. He's so cocky. I love it. Hah. Then he helps her out, "Ladies first" with that sexy smirk of his. Oh, I'm sensing some beautiful sideways!Skate.

-So dunking Sayid in the water like that...do you think it's the same thing they did to save childhood Ben?

-Kate and Claire's cabby is CREEPY PUPPET MAN FROM HEROES. He's so creepy.

-The way that Kate takes care of Sawyer after he is attacked by the other Others was really reminiscent of the season two Collision scenes. I adored it. When he woke up...he said to Kate, "We got caught by the Others again." He was totally freaking referencing early season three. You know. WHEN THERE WAS CAGE SEX. I love it. We actually got a surprising amount of Skate in this episode...I'm sure we won't be so lucky in the future. During this scene where he wakes up and they talk...THEY TOTALLY PLAYED SKATE'S SONG. A version of Romancing the Cage. :)

-Also I hate the way they did Sideways!Kate's hair. You'd think they'd put the effort in to make it a tad more curly. Evi's is curlier naturally than the way they did it. It was SUPER CURLY in the pilot. Honestly, put some effort in.

-Ash protects from smokey. This is very interesting to me.

-Locke's final thought was "I don't understand." That really is quite sad and does define John Locke.

-Angry!Sawyer is so sexy.

-So is hardcore criminal!Kate.

-In sideways flashes...Jack/John new OTP. Just saying. Jack wanting to fix Locke? Since when did her become the optimist and Locke the pessimist. How intense.

-Flocke sees Richard and says, "Hello, Richard. It's good to see you out of those chains." UM, WUT? You know...there are chains on the Black Rock where they kept slaves. And, you know, where Sawyer killed the real Mr. Sawyer.

-Also, I think some of Naveen Andrews' real accent slipped in at the end of the episode when Sayid woke up and said "What happened?" Intentional or not. Hmmm.

Basically over all...I freaking loved the episode.

reaction post, skate, lost

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