From the wonderful
Did you do something you thought you would never do?:
Become happy, I suppose. Truly okay with myself as a person.
Did you keep any New Year's Resolutions?:
In a sense. I like to think I did. My resolution was to stop self-injuring. Yes, I continued to do for several months after I made my resolution. But now I'm done. Now I have stopped. I haven't done it in almost 8 months. And I think that counts for something, don't you?
Did anyone close to you give birth?:
Did anyone close to you die?:
No, but it got a little too close for comfort.
Did you visit any countries?:
Yes, if you count my day in Puerto Rico. Hee. And I went to the Virgin Islands, but they're US territory, so it doesn't REALLY count.
What would you like to have in 2008 that you lacked in 2007?:
Absolutely no self-injury, for real. More self-confidence. But most of all, I want to be captain of my dance team. I want it so bad it hurts sometimes.
Will any date from 2007 stay etched in your memory forever?:
April 1st, 2007. The day I realized I wasn't a horrible person. It was one of the most incredible moment of my life. I'd always been told it, but suddenly I just realized it was true, and I accepted it. It was liberating. Also October 31st, 2007. (what the hell is with me and holidays, yaknow?) It was the day I found out Sam was dying and the shit hit the fan. Everything's better now, though. And everyday I remember June 23rd, the day Emily did not kill herself in 2005. Because that was her plan in 2005, and she didn't do it. And I think about it yearly.
What was your biggest achievement of 2007?:
SELF-CONFIDENCE. And I stopped self-injuring, yay.
What was your biggest failure?:
I didn't make captain this year, but I've accepted that wasn't my fault. So...probably letting myself down on numerous occasions.
Did you suffer illness or injury?:
Sure, but nothing particularly terrible.
What was the best thing you bought in '07?:
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. It will be one of my most treasured items forever.
Did your behavior change over the year?:
Hugely. I'm a happier person, and I don't hate myself, and I don't self-injure, and I don't partake on much self-destructive behavior. I'd daresay it has.
Where did you spend most of your money?:
The mall? Haha.
Are you happier than this time last year?:
Definately. I was so depressed this time last year.
What song will remind you of 2007?:
Accidental Babies - Damien Rice
What do you wish you would have done more of?:
What do you wish you would have done less of?:
What did/will you do for Christmas '07?:
My [homophobic but delightful] grandparents are coming in to town. We'll open presents, go shopping, and have a grand ol' time.
Did you fall in love in 2007?:
Yeah. Yeah, I did.
Did you get your heart broken in 2007?:
Favorite TV program of '07?:
Prison Break, Heroes, The Office, and Degrassi. Those were my main TV obsessions for the year.
Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?:
I don't really hate people.
What was the best book you read and/or movie you saw?:
Movie: I can't say. I just...can't. Book: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and Aimee.
What was your greatest discovery?:
I'm a good person.
What did you do on your last birthday and how old were you?
It was in November, and I turned 17. I was in Kansas then Missouri and spent time with family. I celebrated the next weekend with friends. That was a lot of fun.
What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?:
More new episodes of television?
How would you describe your personal fashion concept of 2007?:
It started off as "I hate the world and myself" pretty emo with lots of black shirts and belts and make-up. Now its kind of indie-bohemian-fashionable-confident. Just over-all cool.
What was your greatest disappointment in 2007?
Are amazing. And amazingly fucked-up. :]
Who did you wish you did not meet?:
No one.
Who was your best friend?:
Emily. Sure, Natalie, too, but Emily will ALWAYS be my best friend.
Who was your enemy?:
Julie. Lol. I dislike her.
Who do you miss?:
Who will you never forget?:
Sam. Kristine. Natalie. Jacob. That whole crew.
Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2007:
Self-hatred will get you nowhere.
What will you always remember about 2007?:
Becoming a happier person.
Aspirations for 2008...
Make captain.
Any resolutions?:
No self-injury the whole year.
More writings. Especially original ones.
Less procrastination.
Anything you want to change about yourself for 2008?:
Lose 5 pounds? Nothing major.
Do you want to make more friends in 2008?:
my year in review.