Name: Ashley
Age: 14
Sex: Female
Location: Garden City, Michigan
Sexuality: Straight
What yOu <33
Favorite Bands: Billy Talent, Afi, TBS, Brand New, Korn, The Used, The Fall Away, Lo-Pro and thats about it.
Favorite Movies: Pirates of the Caribbean, Dreamcatcher, The Ring, Cheaper by the Dozen, Spiderman 1+2, and Finding Nemo.
Favorite Feature and why?: Eyes because thats the first thing that I look at in a guy and you can tell so much by looking at anyones eyes.
Favorite Stores: Aeropostale and American Eagle.
Why do you think you are oNly_the_fiNest? Because I'm fun *big smile*
Song: Brand New- The No Seatbelt Song.
Quote: "It's love, make it hurt"
Word: Honkey.
This or That
Rock or Rap: Rock
Rock or Pop: Rock
Rock or Punk: Rock
Rock or Country: Rock
Rap or Pop: Rap
Rap or Punk: Rap
Rap or Country: Rap
Pop or Punk: Punk
Pop or Country: Pop
Punk or Country: Punk
What Do You Think About The Mod: Shes pretty.
Tell me a joke: Hehe! Why do blondes always smile durring a lightening storm? Because they think their picture is getting taken. *laughs*
I know it's annoying, but leave the link the where you promoted oNly_the_fiNest to, it can be your journal, a community or another user:
sil_verand_cold And of course...what makes you oNly_the_fiNest!?: I like to think I'm somewhat pretty but other communities seem to think not.
give me at least 3 CLEAR pics!
Me with Benjamin from Billy Talent.
I really hope you guys like it!