fine looking

Aug 16, 2004 21:05

Name: Tonya Lyn
Age: 16
Sex: Female
Location: Pa
Sexuality: Straight and loving the boys

What yOu <33

Favorite Bands: TBS, Dashboard, Story of the Year, The Starting Line, All-American Rejects
Favorite Movies: Pirates of the Carribean, Dirty Dancing, Finding Nemo, Milk Money, Never Been Kissed
Favorite Feature and why?: Eyes because i love eyes cuz you can tell so much about someone with there eyes and people like mine
Favorite Stores: ae, aero, abercrombie, pac sun
Why do you think you are oNly_the_fiNest? Because i am really cute, and i am just a good person, i try to be nice to everyone. and everyone i meet seems to like me so that has to say something.
Song: "Everything you want"- by vertical horizon & "your so last summer"- by taking back sunday (sry i have two)
Quote: "cant you see past the tears i cry, and into my eyes-straight to my heart...that i am in love with you" my own quote
Word: geez (not really a word but i say it all the time)

This or That
Rock or Rap: rock
Rock or Pop: rock
Rock or Punk: punk
Rock or Country: rock
Rap or Pop: rap
Rap or Punk: punk
Rap or Country: rap
Pop or Punk: punk
Pop or Country: pop
Punk or Country: punk

Tell me a joke: what goes vrrooom squech vaarooomm squech varrooom squech? a blonde at a blinking like- yeah that is my brothers joke... i am a blonde sooo haha yeah i dont drive like that.
I know it's annoying, but leave the link the where you promoted oNly_the_fiNest to, it can be your journal, a community or another user: ground_balls

And of course...what makes you oNly_the_fiNest!?: my ass cuz it is great. haha.

give me at least 3 CLEAR pics!



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