And All Their Silver & Gold

Dec 23, 2009 15:58

Hey lookie here! Piper's got an account at! You can see my entire album collection--or you will be able to, once I finish cataloguing it. I think I'm in trouble, though: I've got 122 albums tagged and I'm only in the B's. :| Anyway, if you see something there that looks interesting, go ahead and check it out. I'm gonna start doing album reviews there at some point as well.

I've realized, by the way, that I have way too much instrumental post-rock and ambient. And I mean way too much. It's my own fault, of course; I see something labeled "ambient" or "post-rock" and I say YES DO WANT. So, you know... it's a good bet that more than half of my music is either world/traditional/folk or ambient post-rock. Pick an album at random...

P.S. We went sledding today. My little sister fell into the ditch and cracked through the ice. XD High-larious, let me tell you.
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