So, I know today is Thursday (the day of our Demon Lord). But my roommate made me promise not to watch the next Supernatural episode until tomorrow, or possibly Saturday. I deserve this punishment, to an extent, because I didn't go to bed until four-thirty last night. (Ballet is great fun when you're running on nothing but adrenaline and too-little sleep, let me tell you.) Anyway, I'm obviously not doing my reaction post--not yet, anyway--and I can't reply to anyone else's reaction posts, so I'm restricted to other, less interesting topics, like real life. Eugh. ;)
Most "eugh": We suddenly got this horrible cold snap--it's way colder than it has any right to be this time of year, and because of that, the maintenance people were not prepared. Thus, it's painfully cold and our dorms have no heating. It's really depressing when you get home, out of the bitter cold, and find that there's nowhere you can go for relief, because your room is just as cold as everywhere else. Luckily the past two days have been better, and by "better" I mean that wearing your coat--around your room, to bed, to the bathroom, and while you eat--actually helps. Meanwhile, my mom has sent up an awesome care package with hot water bottles for me (awesome because I just started my period, and hot water bottles are needed in the battle against cramps), along with my phone charger, which I left at her house again. It'll be here in a day or so. I'm just sad that my beautiful, invigorating autumn weather is evaporating so quickly. Be strong, autumn! You fight off that old man winter! We love you!
Most funny: My fridge went on the fritz again. Guess what it froze this time. Nope, wrong. It froze my eggs. (No, not those eggs, the chicken eggs that you eat. You guys have such dirty minds.) It was the coolest thing ever! I smashed one on the floor, and it just got all flat on one side. I was kind of hoping it would shatter in a million pieces, but I guess it wasn't cold enough for that. Dang. Then I carefully cracked the shell on another one and peeled it off in two complete pieces, leaving the whole, frozen yolk in a perfect egg shape. I think we took a picture. Then I stuck it under hot water and we watched it slowly melt and go down the drain. It was great.
Most wonderful awesome:
Okay, short background: I'm a tutor in our college's writing lab--it doesn't pay much, but it does pay, and you can't beat a job that you never get tired of. I have never had a bad day as a writing tutor. True story. And now, back to the story: This guy. Name of Cory. Brown hair, tan, with a lot of stubble that I never would have thought was attractive before I met him. It looked good on him. But--he had these eyes. Normally the only eyes I find striking are blue ones. But this guy wore brown eyes and made them gorgeous. He would rest his head on his hand and look right at me while I talked, and I couldn't stop looking at his eyes. Heck, when I got home, I still couldn't stop talking about them. Tomorrow, I'll still probably be blabbering to my friends and roommates about what pretty eyes he had.
Anyway; He comes to the writing lab for help on his English 1010 paper, and who do you think is on duty? That's right, I am, because Sarah was awesome and had to skip out on her shift, leaving me to cover for her. (Extra money and a cute, sweet guy who's totally in to me? Sarah, I love you.) So I go and I help him, and I'll say this, he's not a great writer. His grammar was all over the place, for one thing, and he got his sentences all mixed up. But he's not stupid either--everything I told him, he understood quickly. More quickly than I'm used to from writers of his level. I find that usually people who write like that write that way because they really just don't get it. With Cory, it was almost like he'd simply never thought about it before. Once I told him, he just said "Ohhh," and started fixing it without me prompting him. It was quite refreshing.
So we went through his paper, I pointed out some of the consistent grammar problems (an error on my part--we're supposed to go over structure before grammar, I just never remember to), we addressed his essay structure, which was pretty good, and eventually we came to a good stopping point. My shift was very much over by that time, and so I signed out while he printed his paper. We ended up leaving at the same time. By way of the same doors. And as we walked, he started asking me about what it was like working in the writing lab. Then, casually, he asked, "So, do you usually work at about this time?" And I said, "VICTORY!" No wait, that was just in my head. I told him what my usual work hours are, and that he could come in at any of those times and I'd be there. As our paths headed off separate ways, he turned back and said, "Alright, so you're gonna be my tutor, okay?" And I said, "HOH YES!" Uh. No, wait. That was just in my head again. Actually I think I gave him the thumbs up and said, "Sounds good!" with a huge smile on my face.
So that? Totally makes up for the weather. No question.