(no subject)

Nov 02, 2006 21:51

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH Jazz band was today! I am second chair! I am on first part!

*Clears throat* ...um, sorry.

Anyway, It was great, and FINALLY I am in a band with people who are actually good. We were sightreading the pieces and, save a few mistakes, it sounded PERFORMANCE QUALITY!!!! Jazz is my passion. Not being last chair is my passion. I think I have found both. WOOOOOHOOOO!

On a sadder note(get it? note? haha.) I got my seat moved in spanish today. I don't know whether she was jealous of my orange (it was a NICE orange) or just annoyed by my perpetual giggling and talking, (probably the latter) but finally, she cracked.

And now I have to sit next to this scary senior who shouts alot. He is quite alarming.


Oh, and the quote of the day is by my english teacher, whose interpretation of the oddesey is really, REALLY entertaining to hear. Basically, she's really young. Just picture her explaining Romeo and Juliet, something like:

Juliet: Romeo, I think you're so hot
Romeo: Well, you're a pretty hot babe yourself!
Juliet: Let's make out!

(or something like that).

Well, today, she was describing Odysseus and the cyclopses. And the cyclopse said...
"Ohhhh. My daddy will bust you up."

That was stupid, but somehow then it was amazingly funny to me. So you better watch out, nigglets.

Or my daddy will bust you up.

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