It was fine. It was a perfectly decent movie. Good, even. But I had expected to like it more than I did, which was disappointing. Part of it was a plot hole or two* that just drive me crazy, and part of it is that Anna annoyed me to no end. (Also, the troll song: "sure he's got flaws but he's a fixer-upper! He's a fixer-upper! Oh, but don't expect to change him because you can't change people." But you just freakin' called him a "fixer-upper" which intrinsically means he can be "fixed up." Argh!)
Ahem. But I did really like the trolls (apart from their contradictory song), especially the part at the beginning where Grandfather Troll asks, "Born with it or cursed?" like ice powers were so commonplace and ho-hum. Olaf was surprisingly endearing and sweet, especially given how irritating he came across in the trailers. The appearance of a villain was a little bit of a surprise, but was nicely done. I enjoyed Elsa's reaction of, "you can't marry a man you just met" (especially given all of their Disney precedents.) Kristoff and Sven's dynamic was well done, and I liked the self-mocking "Reindeer Song." Kristoff's appreciation of the ice palace based on the quality of the ice -- hilarious. I loved the opening song where they were cutting ice blocks. The CGI of the ice and snow was gorgeous. And, of course, "Let It Go" was absolutely deserving of its nomination for any and every award.
Not sure what to make of the "frozen minds are easy to change; frozen hearts are a lot harder." Commentary on prejudices? Anyway. Overall, it was fine. But overall, I think Rapunzel was the more enjoyable movie.
* Plot hole(s) [Spoiler (click to open)]1) Plot hole: a foreign-born prince claims that he and the native-born princess married (without any witnesses, mind you) just moments before she died in his arms, AND that the aforementioned dead princess claimed that she was killed by her sister the queen. Not only does nobody try to verify his claims (seriously, how hard is it to run and check to see if the princess really is dead!), but all the foreign dignitaries and royal staff tacitly agree with this foreign prince (who has not been granted any royal rights or titles, not even that of Consort to the Heir-Apparent!) that their crowned and acknowledged queen should be put to death for treason. Please note, said crowned and acknowledged queen has been imprisoned in her own castle's dungeon by the foreign prince by the authority of . . . the foreign prince who should have no authority whatsoever in a kingdom that is not his own.
And for that matter, why is it that the queen can be executed for treason in her own country but the foreign prince -- who actively attempted to murder both members of the royal family -- cannot? (And again for that matter, why doesn't anyone arrest the foreign dignitary who declared the queen a monster and also tried to have her killed?) It. Makes. No. Sense!
2) Not exactly a plot hole but . . . since she was a little girl, Elsa has been unable to reverse/get ride of/clean up after her snowy creations. Then, at the end, she suddenly discovers how and manages to do it perfectly on her first try? Shenanigans.