Why Does It Never Fail????

May 05, 2007 22:05

Why oh why does this always seem to happen to me at the absolute WORST times?????

K, so even though I love Sapphyre (name of my laptop, so named b/c all of her lights, and the light on my chiller mat (freebie...score!), I'm a little pissed that there's no 3.5 disk drive on her.  She's a $1.500 laptop that I only have to pay $700 for.  So I should be grousing right??



The 3.5 Floppy I brought with me, has all of my bookmarks, my entire email address book, and the current "working copies" of my two hottest fan fic stories.

And I'm knee deep in wanting to update them, especially considering my Conqueror story was nearly finished!!!!!  And my Lucy/Renee MAO story was seriously getting where it needed to go to be shareable outside of my three beta readers (yes, I have that many).


fan fic, sapphyre

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