Jul 09, 2009 21:04
[It looks like a falling piece of rock accidentally flicked on the device's camera. Metal Sonic is sitting about five feet from it, cradling something small, furry, and bloody. Every now and then he pokes at a paw in sight, as if trying to provoke a reaction. The minuscule mess in his arms doesn't move. From the water dripping off his head, a pipe full of water burst over him. Rivulets of glistening water run down Metal's face, over his eyes, and down his chrome cheeks. He, however, simply continues cradling the rat, trying to get it to move until the camera times out.]
reply: gate,
reply: lyra silvertongue,
reply: lucca ashtear,
reply: tails,
reply: zoe olesia elgin,
reply: dynamo,
!video entry