"I'm a writer and I'm a poet, I might love you, but never show it"

May 20, 2007 22:03

My summer class starts tomarrow. It is pretty exciting..ha ok not really, but it gives me something to do. I'm also going to try and sell back all my books that are just taking up space. I don't have to work tomarrow and I am pretty happy about that.

It has been almost a month since I lost my brother, it will be a month on Sat. I was thinking about it yesterday and it was really freaking me out. I kept getting depressed. Then today I was ripping up old orders because we just had boxs full of paper and I got into the ones for April, and then I got to April 26th, and it was just pretty much like this "fuuuuuckkkkkk" Yep.

I went to the gym today with stacy for like the first time in a month and a half. Tomarrow morning I should go jogging, I know I won't, but I really should. I also ate dinner with my parents, and then went to walmart with Stacy. I had a pretty eventful day I must say haha. Alright I guess I am done wiht my rambles.
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