Title: That Girl (1/1)
Characters: Temperance Brennan, Seeley Booth
Rating: PG-13 or T
Spoilers: Through 6x09.
Prompt: Brennan, drowning. Written for
amilyn, for an old Bones comment fic meme located
Summary: Set post-6x09. Sometimes the burdens merely crush us with their weight.
Disclaimer: Bones and its characters belong to FOX, not me. This story is
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I worried it might be a bit much, but then I thought about what even mild depression can feel like for people sometimes, and away I went
That is *exactly* what it's like. One foot in front of the other--the only way you keep going. You literally order yourself around like a freaking robot. Pour the milk into the bowl, eat the cereal, watch the clock tick-tock, tick-tock, wait for each minute to pass by, put on the happy face, think of things to do to improve your life & distract yourself because this is stupid & you can get through this, and it feels ENDLESS. Trust me, by the time depression gets severe, if it does, there's almost no such thing as "a bit much" in describing it when it comes to details. It's all about the details, so long as you remember to juxtapose them with everything else sort of just fading away. Because that's what it's like. Stark contrast of tiny details & everything else just. . .lost. Blurred.
If that makes sense.
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