Hello my name is_______.
I ________ Jenny.
Jenny is _______.
Me + Jenny are _______.
I wish me + Jenny were ______.
If I were alone in a room with Jenny, I would _______.
I want Jenny to know that I __________.
I think Jenny should _________.
Jenny needs to _________.
I want to ____________ Jenny.
Someday Jenny will ________.
Jenny reminds me of _______.
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I love Jenny.
Jenny is the coolest most wonderful amazing person in the world!
Me + Jenny are not me and Jenny but us.
I wish me + Jenny were married.
If I were alone in a room with Jenny, I would uh... rape her ::embarassed:: .
I want Jenny to know that I will always love her.
I think Jenny should give me pictures of herself.
Jenny needs to believe in herself more.
I want to be with Jenny forever. (kinda went on a whim on that one)
Someday Jenny will see herself like I do.
Jenny reminds me of Jenny, nothing could compare.
Without Jenny I would die.
Memories of Jenny are uncountable.
Jenny can be horny. (you know you can!)
The worst thing about Jenny is she doesn't see herself as the beautiful girl she really is.
The best thing about Jenny is oh man, EVERYTHING!.
I am happy beyond belief with Jenny.
Dear Jenny,
you are really frickin' awesome.
you should do me?
we need to go the zoo again.
after that we can get lost together.
remember that time we, well I, mooned your sister, and she liked it?
that was real white and hairy.
maybe tomorrow we can party like today.
you are my everything.
I want to be with you forever because I love you!
signed Nut.
p.s. what does p.s. mean?
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