May 04, 2008 01:59
It's one of those hot summer days where anyone with any sense whatsoever is in a breezy, shady spot trying to keep as cool as is physically possible. Out in the sun the heat is intense enough to cause heat waves, shimmering just over the ground, and the cicadas are chirping busily in the background off in the surrounding trees. Otherwise it's quiet, as the majority of the temple's residents are nowhere to be seen. If they're even here at all.
Soon the sun will be going down, and the heat will begin to subside, but for now it's hot.
The main auditorium is one of the best shady spots on the temple grounds, and with all of the doors slid open, there's an appreciable breeze, as well, making it just a bit short of uncomfortably warm. The small fan whirring away certainly helps matters somewhat.
Sanzo is lying on the relatively cool wooden floor, either asleep, or halfway there, with a book lying over his stomach.