Nov 07, 2006 22:00
Beauty is how it all falls together..
how cloth falls over your frame
or how rain falls into your eyes.
Beauty is how it all keeps rolling..
like waves rolling over our toes
or like tires rolling through the snow.
Beauty is everything that used to be
every eyelash that fell on your cheek,
every tear i kissed away to taste the salt
Beauty is what we always look for
like the big dipper in the summer
or Venus when it's really just the moon.
Beauty is how i loved you
It's how I slept at night without you
The way I looked at your picture and remembered the moment it captured
Beautiful is how i felt when i stood next to you
your shadow made me shine
your smile was my north star in the night
Beautiful is how stars are born
out of black holes and emptiness
out of matter that seems to be their opposite
Beautiful is what I surround myself with
the people I collect for my friends
the materiality I bring into my home
Beautiful is what your soul is
the sweet songs we hear in our hearts
the clouds that sweep through the sky like dustbunnies on parade
Beautful is all I ever wanted to be
Thankyou for showing me I already was