Take the quiz:
"Which guy is perfect for you (teen)"
Jesse Mccartney
Your perfect guy is Jesse, sweet and funny.. Cute..you go girl!
Take the quiz:
"Which Full House Character Are u?"
You're the normal one in the family..heh
Take the quiz:
"What teen celebrity are you?"
Britney Spears
you are a beautiful teen that changes boyfriends like you change underwear
Take the quiz:
"Which word describes you?"
Girlie Girl
Hey girl..u r very girlie..u need to join some kinda sport club or somethin like dat..shoppin aint evrything
Take the quiz:
"WhIcH fRiEnD aRe YoU mOsT LiKe?"
you are a natural beauty that know s how to have fun!
what ever that means!! lol
Take the quiz:
"Which Simpson Sister are you?"
You are Ashlee
You are like ashlee..your a rock girl...YOU KICK ASS
Take the quiz:
"Which Summerland Character Are you?"
You are Shawn Christian
O man come on if you're trying to get her/him back just tell that person how you feel...Ur Shawn not somethin u should be proud of
Take the quiz:
"what kind of car fits you best!!!(pics!!!!)"
range rover
Take the quiz:
"What dessert are you"
You are a sundae. A little suductive at times but always fun.The life of the parrty
Take the quiz:
"are you a rich girl?"
kinda rich
your not a millionaire but your not poor, so u have just some money!!!!
Take the quiz:
"Which Starbucks Drink Are You? (Great Pictures)"
Starbucks Cafe Latte
Starbucks Cafe Latte(www.myspace.com/andrew2)
Take the quiz:
"Which Japanese Symbol Are You? (pics and translations)"
You are love, the most powerful feeling.
Take the quiz:
"Which High School Stereotype are you? (pics-info)"
Take the quiz:
"How Punk Are You? (pics) 0.0 or 98(percent)???"
0.08 -POSER-
Almost cool enough to hang out with the big guys! You almost are a ...Wannabe!
Take the quiz:
"what kind of drug are you? (includes pictures)"
you are weed.you are laid back, ralaxed and outgoing.
Take the quiz:
"What Alcoholic drink are you"
You like to party...but you dont know what your limit of drinking is.