personally, my policy is start with a clean slate (sounds like john locke lol). i never fully trust anyone at first but at the same time i do respect them and give them a chance to earn my trust. i am the kind of person who likes to find things out on my own and i am slightly cynical so its hard for me to trust (on important matter at least), but thats just me.
you should trust everyone until you KNOW if they arent trustworthy.
if someone didnt trust you for no reason it's like
being guilty until proving ur innocent
and on the other hand if your trusted at first its like
being innocent till proven guilty
if i were someone's friend i would rather have them think of me innocent until they have proven me guilty.
u know what im sayin??
ilu <3
ps:taryn is over here and she loves you!!!!!!!!!!
<3 thanks hesse
i dont trust a lot people too. they have to earn my trust.
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