
Dec 03, 2005 20:30

as if i didn't have enough on my mind.

i have two portfolios to do and finish in less than a week
a 30 page finalized script i have yet to start due next week
my short movie final edit due
and a huge exam on thursday.

my bitch ass roommate and i have been fighting. shes been trying to skrew me out of some money and has been an overall cunt.
i'm scheduled to fly home in two weeks. she tells me yesterday she wants me to move out by the 31st. basically i have to move out before i fly home in two weeks. she made sure that i paid my rent before telling me too. she's gonna try to skrew me out of my security deposit.
i'm thinking about putting a stop payment on the check i wrote until i get my deposit in hand.
i'm also thinking about buying two feeder mice and releasing them in the house before i leave, superglueing the locks in the house, and having a huge motherfucking party and not clean up.
that bitch has no idea who she is fucking with. she has a heart condition and i have half the mind to put the stuff she's allergic to in something, but i think i may end up the as inspiration for a csi episode.

i can't get over what a cunt she is.

whatev... i promise she'll get hers
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