Dec 10, 2008 03:42
The feeling
I experienced in that moment
was new to me. To calm myself,
I ran my hands down the length
of his arms
that had tightly embraced me just
moments before now. He had
pulled me into him, his lean body
enveloping me and
pressing against mine, unlocking
a hidden passion. I leaned
into him, bowed my head, and felt
the softness of his lips
brushing my forehead. Slowly, he
moved his arm down, seeking my
hand. He pressed his palm cautiously
against mine,
slowly lacing our fingers together.
I struggled not to melt as shivers
rushed up my spine. Being this close
made me feel
a strange, child-like happiness; a unique
joy of past years - times spent with
laughing friends; young memories,
like falling
into piles of rusty, autumn leaves.
I thought back to my first boyfriend.
I was ill-informed, thought I was
in love
only to have my innocent heart
fractured after a few short months.
But my newfound romance, in
this moment,
made me realize I had not known
love until I looked into the soft,
bright eyes before me. It would be too
to say that the feeling was just
nervous jitters, too easy to call it
butterflies. This was different; this was
He looked not into my eyes, but through them,
to something deeper. Then he kissed me - delicately,
but intentionally. And then I knew this was real