Jan 02, 2007 17:45
[[He's throwing stuff around his room right now, so anyone staying at Draco's feel free to comment on the noise. ]]
[Private || Hackable to Chibi and Draco]
I can't believe I lost!! To a HUMAN. It's... It's unthinkable!! The bastard had the GALL to think he could defeat me! And that weapon-- shouldn't have been allowed, hardly a POWER in its own right. This should be a battle of - of - of... of your own powers and abilities, not of those with a weapon. *growls* This IRKS me to no end.
Well, it was certainly disorienting waking up from that experience. I don't remember the last time a human had a step on me. Congratulations, Sir Train. I may have some respect for you.
Well. Seeing as I lost did not succeed, I feel the need to drown my sorrows in a drink or two; Mister Malfoy, would you like to join me?
Milady Chibi, I meant to ask, as I was busy preparing for my own match, are you going to be entering in this tournament? I, alas~, couldn't remember if you had said...