Title: Why Ginny Became A Healer
Words: 100
Rating: PG
Other characters/pairings: A couple of nameless Healers
Warnings: I'm a hopeless romantic...I apologize :)
Author’s Notes: This takes place in St. Mungos, directly after the final battle. Ginny isn't actually a Healer yet.
This can’t be happening. My mind’s racing, if I could only....
“Miss Weasley, I’m sorry, it’s over,” the Healer says.
“No,” I murmur in shock. “NO!” The Healer grabs me before I can reach him.
“Miss Weasley, it’s over, you have to go.”
“Please, just let me….”
“He’s not coming back!” There are now two of them restraining me, “you’re only hurting yourself.”
“No!” I manage to break free. I know if I can just.... I touch him, willing warmth into his cold hand. Come back!
The Healers grab me again. “It’s over!” they shout. Then we hear it.