Baby Elephants Everywhere!

Feb 06, 2007 13:56

Title: Baby Elephants Everywhere!
Fandom: Yuugiou
Pairing: Very light Ryuuji/Seto.
Summary: Seto's trying to throw Mokuba a birthday party. Ryuuji tends to go too far when he's trying to be original with gift-buying. Humor/crack-fic. No elephants were hurt in the production of this story.

Baby Elephants Everywhere!

"Kaiba-san, there's an elephant in the yard. Is this entertainment for Mokuba-san's party?" The woman inquired, poking her head around the door. She was the most efficient, and most highly-paid, party organizer in Japan, which was why Seto had hired her to take care of the party arrangements for Mokuba's eighteenth birthday.

Apparently the stress had gotten to her and she was now hallucinating elephants. Like in Dumbo, which Seto had overheard his boyfriend and brother watching last night.

"An elephant?" Seto repeated, as if giving her a chance to think better of it. It would be a shame to fire her three hours before the party started.

She nodded, and pointed out the window, "Yes, sir. An elephant."

Seto turned, feeling resigned to finding a new party organizer, and lo! There was an elephant. A pygmy elephant, in fact, wearing a big pink ribbon around its neck.

Maybe the stress of the party had gotten to him as well.

Just as Seto was starting to wonder if mass hallucinations were a sign of the water being spiked, Ryuuji breezed into the office, tossed his ponytail and asked cheerfully, "Has Mokie seen Germ yet?"

"Germ?" It seemed to be Seto's day for repeating words. Pieces clicked into place, and he narrowed his eyes at the other male, "Is the elephant your fault?"

"Germ. You have to call him by his name." Ryuuji pouted,

There were more pressing matters at hand, but curiosity compelled Seto to ask, "Why Germ?"

Cheerfully, Ryuuji explained, "His name's Germ, because it rhymes with pachyderm. And because of Gwain."

Trying to make sense Ryuuji's thought processes was often complicated, but this was the first time that elephants were involved. "Gwain doesn't rhyme with Germ."

"No, but Germaine does." Ryuuji responded, gazing out at the elephant proudly.

"Isn't that spelt with a J?" The party organizer piped up, getting into the spirit of the debate.

Unfortunately, the sound of her voice served to remind Seto of the important topic at hand here -- to wit, that there was an elephant in the garden where a party was supposed to be held. "Ryuuji, the elephant's name is immaterial. How are we supposed to erect the pavilions for the party in the garden if the creature is there?"

"Germ." Ryuuji insisted, and shrugged, "What's the problem? Just give the kids elephant-rides to go along with whatever else you were going to serve."

"These are teenagers, Ryuuji. Not five-year-olds."

"And it's an elephant, not a pony." Ryuuji retorted, somewhat sulky that Seto didn't seem to appreciate the originality of his gift.

"Where did you even get an elephant from?" Seto asked.

"Marik and Bakura." Ryuuji had the grace to look a little guilty.

"Then it's probably stolen." Seto instantly decided.

Ryuuji shrugged and quirked Seto a grin, "Well, yeah, but who's going to accuse Seto Kaiba's brother of possessing a stolen elephant?"

"Ryuuji, this isn't funny. You have an illegally-obtained elephant parked in my garden, and--"

Just then, the sound of thundering feet interrupted him and moments later, Mokuba skidded into the study, hair still rumpled from sleep, "Nii-sama! There's an elephant in the garden!"

"Happy Birthday!" Ryuuji announced proudly, "And his name's Germ."

"You got me an elephant?!" Mokuba's eyes lit up and he threw himself at Ryuuji to give him an affectionate hug, "That's so cool!"

Inwardly, Seto sighed. Compared to an elephant, the Porsche he'd bought for Mokuba's present suddenly seemed like very small peanuts.


yuugiou: ryuuji, genre: humor, yuugiou: seto, type: slash, yuugiou: mokuba

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