
Jun 14, 2006 13:51

Title: Twenty Random Facts You May or May Not Know About Rogue and Gambit.
Fandom: Marvel, heavily AU.
Pairing: Rogue/Gambit
Rating: PG.
Warnings: Het kissing, a little violence, canon-bending.
Word Count: 1,125
Summary: Request for xinda, where Rogue and Gambit meet in a universe where Magneto's in charge and Mystique raised Kurt and Rogue together as her children. Not as shippy as I meant it to be, but hopefully still good!

Twenty Random Facts You May or May Not Know About Rogue and Gambit.

1. Rogue works for the government. She’s a mutant-tester, able to check their minds and abilities both. Like a lie-detector, except alive and more dangerous.

2. Gambit opposes the government she serves, when he can be bothered to care. When he’s not trying to just stay alive and undetected.

3. They meet for the first time in a courtroom, when Gambit has been accused of planting explosives in a government-run shelter.

4. Rogue checks him, and finds he’s innocent, but only of that crime. He’s committed others, and she ought to turn him in for those. Her bare fingers hesitate in the air, then she turns away from him to tell the police that brought him in of how they caught a shark when they were looking for a piranha.

5. He grabs her by her shoulder, over her black suit jacket, and pulls her back into a kiss. When he faints to the floor, Rogue’s gripping her head with both hands, and there’s power sparking between her fingers. She’s been taught how to control her abilities and to only use a little at a time. Having him touch her threw her off.

6. Mystique’s voice sounds, her mother and trainer both, and Rogue blinks dazed eyes at her. Then Gambit’s memories explode in her mind, overwhelm her. Not just the memories she’d scooped out of his mind, but all of them.

7. He was sent for her. Deliberately caught. Because they needed her to know the truth about everything, and the only way to make sure she’d know it was the truth was to have her take it from someone’s mind.

8. They - the Resistance they call themselves - want her. Because Mystique is - Mystique is - Rogue’s eyes widen, and she turns on her not-mother, screams questions and accusations both. The slap over her face is delivered from a gloved hand, the kind of slap you give a hysterical child, and Rogue stares at Mystique in shocked silence for a moment. Mystique has lied to her.

9. When she lunges forwards and grabs Mystique’s glove, peeling it off her not-mother’s hand, it’s Mystique’s turn to back away. The glove is charged with energy, throw into the air and the explosion makes the roof come down between them. A barrier of rubble that won’t last anywhere near long enough, so Rogue picks up Gambit - he’s heavier than he looks - and starts to run.

10. By the time he wakes up, they’re in a cheap hotel room and have crossed the state lines. Still within the country-formerly-known-as-America, but out of reach of the telepaths that are stationed in rely towers around the country. Rogue knows where all of them are. She’s grown up under Magneto’s reign, and her not-mother’s always been Magneto’s most trusted lieutenant. Mystique had showed her and Nightcrawler the plans when they were still young, and Rogue had giggled, unable to understand what the blueprints would make when the towers were constructed.

11. Gambit doesn’t know any of that. He just knows that the woman he was sent to fetch is in a hotel room with him, and amusing herself by making matches explode in little bursts of fire. Pyromania much? His mission seems to be successful, but in case it’s a trap…

12. Rogue tosses a match in his direction with an easy backhand, and Gambit makes it flare up and burn without thinking. He catches it in one hand and closes his fingers into a tight fist, suffocating it of air and killing the fire before it can burn him. He’s not sure what to say, but he’s Gambit. Has to say something. He compliments her on her black jumpsuit and she looks at him like he’s crazy until he starts to laugh. Then she laughs too.

13. Rogue has a pretty laugh.

14. That night, Gambit teaches her to play three-draw piquet and Rogue learns what a card-shark is. She bends over the table with concentration, the top few buttons of her sleek jumpsuit undone thanks to the heat, and Gambit is distracted by her cleavage for just long enough for Rogue to steal an extra couple of cards from the pot.

15. By the time they reach Xavier’s hideout, Rogue’s grown adapt at all sort of games, and Gambit’s grown fond of this strange, sheltered woman. He’s had to explain to her why mutant supremacy isn’t the Paradise it seems to be, and how everyone’s powers are fallible. They’ve argued it often, while hiding out in garbage trucks or hitching rides amidst bales of hay, taking pills to send them into a drugged sleep whenever they pass by a tower so that they’ll be mindsilent.

16. She told him about her childhood in exchange, and how it was to be brought up alongside her brother Nightcrawler, whose tail she once shaved in a fit of six-year-old pettiness. Who had to put up with having ribbons tied over his ears, and dye constantly slipped into his shampoo, and who helped Rogue with her constant costume redesigns. Just because Rogue has to constantly keep herself covered up, after all, doesn’t meant that she’s not girl enough to like playing with her clothing.

17. Gambit is quiet when Rogue speaks of her dead brother, simply liking to see the way she lights up when she talks of the two of them and how happy they were before he died. The hovercraft crash that killed Nightcrawler had taken her closest friend and confidante from her, but Rogue is happy to talk about him and Gambit asks skillful questions to entice more information from her.

18. When Xavier asks him privately, mind-to-mind, where Rogue’s loyalties lie, Gambit replies truthfully that he believes that Rogue truly was unaware of Mystique’s deception, and that the shock of discovering her entire life was a lie was enough to make her change sides. Because if Rogue cannot trust Mystique to tell the truth about herself, how can she accept Mystique’s view of the world?

19. Xavier nods, and only then wheels away from the opening to their dugout to let Rogue enter. Before she can step in, Nightcrawler steps out, and the air is full of the sound of happy shrieking at the sibling reunion.

20. The first thing she’s given once she’s entered the hideout is a newspaper bearing a headline about her own death, the second is a new uniform and the third is a kiss, courtesy of Gambit. He ends up unconscious again, and Nightcrawler interrogates him once Gambit wakes up while Rogue laughingly protests that her brother doesn’t need to scare off her suitors. Her heart is happy; this feels like home.


type: het, genre: fluff, type: request fic, type: gift fic, genre: dark

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