Ryuuji/Seto's credit card/Mai/Shopping therapy

Jun 14, 2006 11:55

Title: Twenty Random Facts You May or May Not Know About Seto’s Credit Card, Ryuuji, Mai and Shopping Therapy.
Fandom: YGO, set within the hogwarts_hocus universe.
Pairing: Mai/Ryuuji/Seto's credit card/shopping therapu.
Rating: PG at the most.
Warnings: Three het kisses.
Word Count: 1,014
Summary: Mai and Ryuuji go shopping, courtesy of Seto's credit card. Request from nekokilala.

Twenty Random Facts You May or May Not Know About Seto’s Credit Card, Ryuuji, Mai and Shopping Sprees.

1. Mai likes shopping for shoes. Ryuuji doesn’t actually care about shoes. Mai doesn’t let little details like that get in the way of her enjoyment and prances around in front of him, showing off several glitzy pairs of footwear. Ryuuji watches her ankles and imagines tattooing them with little butterflies.

2. Seto’s credit card is platinum, of course. It doesn’t match anything that Ryuuji’s wearing or that Mai’s wearing, so she drags him into a beauty salon and gets her nails painted so that she can hold the card without having it clash with her nails. Platinum slicks over her nails, silver-sharp against the soft pink of her skin, and Ryuuji gets his nails buffed --because that’s the manly option - while he waits for her to be done.

3. Ryuuji likes leather a little too much. When they hit the leather shop, Mai flips open her cellphone, calls her agent and dramatically cancels their lunch plans. Like hell will they get out of there in under an hour.

4. Shopping sprees are difficult, tiring journeys of discovery. Clearly, anyone embarking on them needs to stay properly provisioned. Ryuuji and Mai, as veteran shoppers, remember to take breaks while in the midst of their campaign to empty the mall of all things cool.

5. Ice-cream doesn’t count as a main meal, but it’s what gets charged to Seto’s credit card.

6. Mai and Ryuuji walk arm-in-arm a lot. They carry their bags on the outer arms and link inner arms. And then that gets tiring, so they buy a golf cart and drive around the mall in it.

7. Mall security tries to stop them. Mai flashes them a smile, Ryuuji laughs, and beauty is its own excuse (but the fact that they’re open to bribery and Ryuuji’s never short of money probably helps).

8. They sit down by the water fountain in the center of the mall and eat a freshly-baked batch of cookies, purchased from a charming little bakery. They’re very good, warm chocolate chips melting in their mouths, and Mai leans her head on Ryuuji’s shoulder as the two of them people-watch and critique outfits.

9. The paparazzi catches up to them when they’re in a store for expectant mothers. They loudly discuss the merits of a boy child versus a girl child, and Ryuuji drops an affectionate kiss on her cheek, then rubs her stomach.

10. One photographer nearly drops his camera. Mai and Ryuuji merely exchange knowing looks and laugh when they’re asked about marriage plans. Why tell the media that it’s just for a baby shower of a friend of theirs when this is so much more fun?

11. They walk out of the store trailing a string of photographers and journalists and exit the mall with more laughter than dignity. Golf carts aren’t built for speed, but Ryuuji whips it around the corners of the mall faster than people can run. When Mai takes over, the ride only gets more exhilarating.

12. Their loot is tossed into the back of the limo. The golf cart is given to a homeless man. Mai wraps her arms around Ryuuji, and he sinks into the shadows with her, escaping through them scarce seconds before the press run out after them. They see nothing but a black limo pulling away, and a bemused person staring at a golf cart that he was given for no reason.

13. They reappear in the middle of an open-air market, where little wooden stalls sell little trinkets but only after lots of haggling. Mai’s flushed with excitement, elbows akimbo as she bargains with the best of them. Words snap back and forth, prices dropping and raising, and the stallkeeper raises her arms to the sky and loudly proclaims that she will be bankrupt if she gives it to Mai at that price.

14. Ryuuji laughs and steps in, questioning the quality of the bracelet, the cost of the original materials, the maker and the care needed to keep it in its current condition. The woman brightens up and answers readily, letting Ryuuji know that Mai has yet again managed to select the best of what there is to offer. He nods, but instead of haggling, steps back and lets Mai continue to argue.

15. The downside of open-air markets? Credit cards are not accepted. Ryuuji lets Mai pay for the bracelet but when she demands that he give her his hand, he arches an eyebrow and tries to protest. She kisses him before he can say more than her name, though, then grabs his hand and snaps the bracelet on while he’s still distracted.

16. The bracelet is gold, links woven loosely together with brightly-colored chips of stone set into it. Cheerful and pretty, not something that fits Ryuuji’s usual sophisticated look, but something about its childish, carefree charm appeals to him. He lets it stay on, and kisses Mai as a thank you.

17. Mai likes the way the bracelet hangs loosely from Ryuuji’s slim wrist, the gold of it harsh against the softer, paler gold of his skin, and buys herself a second one. There. Matching bracelets for the both of them. Ryuuji jokes about best-friends-for-life and how it’s meant to be broken hearts so that they can each keep one half. Mai laughs and kisses him for a third time (three times lucky) and tells him that she would never want to share anything broken with him.

18. Ryuuji understands that on every level. Mai knew he would.

19. Arm-in-arm again, they walk down the open market, yelling at each other to be heard over the bustle of the busy crowd. Seto’s credit card is safe in Ryuuji’s back pocket, and the shopping spree is far from over. They’re just in a different location, that’s all. As soon as they find an ATM, Ryuuji can get back in the game.

20. This game will never end; Mai and Ryuuji will be friends forever.


genre: humor, genre: fluff, type: request fic, fandom: yuugiou, yuugiou: mai, yuugiou: ryuuji/mai, type: gen, type: het, yuugiou: ryuuji, type: gift fic

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