1sentence claim

Apr 28, 2006 00:23

My 1sentence claim - 50 sentences of pure psychoshipping (Yami no Malik x Yami no Bakura). Enjoy, and all feedback is love.

blatant addiction. )

yuugiou: yami no malik/yami no bakura, yuugiou: yami no bakura, fandom: yuugiou, yuugiou: yami no malik, type: slash

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xinda April 29 2006, 04:38:45 UTC
#10 - Drink

Yami no Bakura drinks deeply of temptation, for he thinks that is the only way to quench his thirst for the other.

Niiiice. Sets a mood for something that could be fairly deep, I think.

#11 - Midnight

They're never asleep when midnight rolls around.

That did not send my mind into the gutter Theme __ of psychoshipping. Works so well.

#12 - Temptation

Thiefs steal whatever takes their fancy, and Yami no Bakura is tempted beyond all reason by the shine of the other's skin.

Very nice. Goes right back to a thief knowing a treasure when he sees it and with Yami no Malik all golden-like (among other things) makes it make that much more sense.

#13 - View

The hotel room has a perfect view of Dubai, but Yami no Bakura prefers the way that Yami no Malik looks in chains.

xD Nice. Why wouldn't he? I like this one for 'view'. Rather than it being complete environment, it goes back to focus on one of the two.

#14 - Music

Yami no Malik hums along under his breath to the melody of Yami no Bakura's screams.

xD NICE interpretation of music. The screams are "music to his ears" I'm sure.

#15 - Silk

The silk of the bedsheets feel like blood against their skin.

Blood to meld with psychoshipping and then back to this theme is rather fitting and perfect. Nice use.

#16 - Cover

Yami no Bakura isn't just Yami no Malik's lover; he's his alibi as well.

xD I like that. Sounds like a sort of teamwork - even if it's using each other (again, could be used for something that can be interpreted a few ways) But, fitting indeed. I like the way you used "cover".

#17 - Promise

Yami no Bakura breaks his promise before he's even finished speaking it but Yami no Malik had been expecting that anyway.

Awww ;; *pouts* Though, no idea if YnB keeps promises or not, but YnM expecting it is very fitting.

#18 - Dream

Yami no Bakura's not a dream but a nightmare, but at least he's Yami no Malik's nightmare.

Much love for this one. I really like the switch of dream seeing how it's psychoshipping.

#19 - Candle

Yami no Malik's weaker half could never hold a candle to him in the thief's eyes.

Perfect use of comparison.

#20 - Talent

Yami no Bakura's talent doesn't lie in theft, but in sucking cock, Yami no Malik says, and waits to be bitten.

-dies- He uses his mouth a lot for talking, why not? But nice.


xinda April 29 2006, 04:39:24 UTC
#21 - Silence

They're only silent when they're listening to the sounds of other people in pain.

*applauds* Something they share in common.

#22 - Journey

There is no end to eternity, but they're walking hand-in-hand.

Love this. Another interpretation that I love. Hell, even all of these could be used in one fic if done correctly, but I continue to adore and love the way psychoshipping can go many ways and so many of these lines show that.

#23 - Fire

"Remember when I made you burn - did you realize I was getting off on how you screamed?"

xD That's perfect.

#24 - Strength

His pretense of strength only amuses Yami no Malik.

Ouch. But, fitting.

#25 - Mask

The closest either of them ever come to masks are the crimson slashes of blood that splashes over their features and stains their lips matching hues of red.

Perfect. So fitting and nice imagery.

#26 - Ice

In iron-nailed boots, they stamp on thin ice until it breaks, then drown together.

Ouch. Kinda makes me think of them going out with a bang and without fear.

#27 - Fall

They have fallen in every possible way except love.

One interpretation that works perfectly.

#28 - Forgotten

They are forgotten by the world but not each other.

Mmmm, sounds perfect for a slogan.

#29 - Dance

They fight like they're dancing and fuck like they're free.

Nice. This one needs no words, it just feels so right.

#30 - Body

Yami no Bakura possesses a different body every night to do his share to keep their relationship interesting.

xDD Wow. Now that's an interesting twist.


>.< xinda April 29 2006, 04:39:53 UTC
I had to break it into three times. So sorry ;;

#31 - Sacred

Bending Yami no Bakura over the Pharaoh's sacrophagus and fucking him should feel like sacrilege, not Paradise.

xDD yet, neither would have an issue. Both would be amused beyond reason.

#32 - Farewells

Why say goodbye when the darkness always returns?

Mmmm. Kura's famous lines and oh so perfect.

#33 - World

Yami no Malik wants to destroy the world, but he can wait until Yami no Bakura is sick of ruling it.

Niiiice. xD That's so perfect. So perfect and I could see YnB agreeing to it at one point. Ruling, then destruction.

#34 - Formal

Golden fingers knot the tie tightly around a slender white neck, then grip the ends and pull.

Ha! That sounds so amusing. Whether it should or shouldn't. Though, I go from sex to death to another thought all at once.

#35 - Fever

His skin is heated as if it's fevered, sun-warmed in a realm of shadows and cold, and Yami no Bakura cannot help but kiss him as if wishing to steal the fire that lurks within the other's mad, mad gaze.

Using "steal" with Kura makes it all that more fitting, I think. Very nice. I'm just repeating myself ;; Sorry.

#36 - Laugh

They never laugh with anyone except each other.

Pure carefree.

#37 - Lies

They don't claim to love each other; why bother with such p(r)etty lies?

Nice with the petty/pretty.

#38 - Forever

This uneasy truce (love) of theirs will not last forever (even if they want it to).

Awwwww. Yeah. That can work in various ways as wel. Touching in more than one way.

#39 - Overwhelmed

The sheer intensity of the other's kisses would overwhelm a normal person, but spirits don't need to breathe.

Oooh! NICE touch on this one.

#40 - Whisper

The soft whisper of a knife being unsheathed sends a thrill of arousal not unmixed with fear through the thief.

LoL With the love of knives and the knowledge of what they can do? Perfect reaction. (And that sound is an awesome sound.)

#41 - Wait

Yami no Malik hides in the shadows, and waits for the time that the thief will find himself trapped.

Which he will hate, but no one can avoid things forever.

#42 - Talk

They speak without words, in a language of biting kisses and punishing sex.

xD "punishing sex" - fitting.

#43 - Search

Yami no Bakura is the luckier one; he knows what he's looking for, whereas Yami no Malik only knows he's found it.

Hm. Puzzled on YnB being the luckier one, but I do like this one.

#44 - Hope

You cannot hope for what you've never known (love will never be a part of this).

Truth, the truth. Works so well with them.

#45 - Eclipse

The insanity of Yami no Bakura's eyes is only eclipsed by the cruelty of Yami no Malik's.

xD Which is why they merge so well in love/hate/lust/passion/power/cruelty or whatever one wants to make them go.

#46 - Gravity

Inexorable as gravity, Yami no Malik's shadow-hued gaze draws the thief closer.

Can you blame him?

#47 - Highway

Playing Chicken with the police is more fun when there are two of them on a bike.

...and them laughing as if it's the most fun they've had in a while.

#48 - Unknown

Neither of them know how this will end, but it's not their style to care.

Mmm *nods* Especially not if they have what they want, since that would distract 'em in some sense.

#49 - Lock

Lock on the target, hold, release and walk away from the corpse without caring you once loved him - only a madman can do it and Yami no Malik is not quite so insane that he can resist the temptation to take a last kiss from the thief's lips.

*winces on YnB's behalf* Needless to say, I'm going to react to this. But, it's true. It fits and I think it just touches on a few ways this could be done as well. ♥ This is awesome, I think.

#50 - Breathe

His last breath rattles his lungs, but he breathes with an unbroken heart.

At least there is no broken heart, right?

These are SO MUCH LOVE. Dude. The interpretations can be flown and used and they're really nice and capture each 'theme'.


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