Mokuba/Ryuuji fic!

Nov 07, 2005 04:15

Title: And Then We Grow Up.
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh
Pairing: Mokuba Kaiba/Ryuuji Otogi
Rating: G, PG at the most for one kiss.
Word Count: 2,351
Summary: Ryuuji (25) visits Mokuba (19) in college. Post-series, takes a look at what could happen to Mokuba while Seto's busy running duelling schools, and how Ryuuji's changed. Relaxed and light-hearted, an easy read, since Mokuba's not quite used yet to being apart from Seto, and Ryuuji, as always, is off doing his own thing.

And Then We Grow Up.

“Hey, kid!” The voice is familiar, the words aren’t. Mokuba’s nineteen now, far too old to be called a kid, but he turns around anyway to see who it could be, and looks into a pair of startlingly green eyes coupled with an impish smirk. There’s a second of disbelief, then Mokuba blurts out, “Otogi-kun?!”

“Ryuuji when I’m in America.” The response is wry, but not patronizing, and Mokuba seizes the chance to get in a shot of his own.

“Well, it’s Mokuba now. Nineteen’s too old to be a kid.” His hair is wild, spiked at the edges for rock star chic, and Ryuuji can’t quite suppress a grin at how little Mokuba’s attitude seems to have changed. The boy’s taller now, filled out at the shoulders but like Ryuuji himself, the essential core of him looks untouched.

Ryuuji can’t muse on it any further because Mokuba interrupts him with the wholly-justified question, “What are you doing at Berkeley? You’re a little old to be starting uni.”

Ryuuji snorts, adopts an offended expression and does his classic pony-tail flip. “I’m only twenty-five.” A pause, and he adds with a smirk, “Kid.”

“Heeey!” The protest is self-mocking, and Mokuba slides both hands into his pockets, looks at his watch. He’s got time to kill before his next class and Ryuuji still hasn’t answered his question, so Mokuba rephrases it, “What are you doing here, Ryuuji?” It’s a little odd to use the gamer’s first name, but it’s what Ryuuji requested. Besides, Mokuba’s manners have slipped from Japanese formality to American casualness within only a year, so it’s not as hard as one would think to make the transition from ‘Otogi’ to ‘Ryuuji’ without worrying about the intimacy it would imply.

Ryuuji shrugs in response, offers Mokuba a half-smirk, “I got seated next to your brother the other day at some business lunch and to stop myself from doing olive tricks to get his attention, I asked him about you.” The smirk turns wry, but there’s an edge of appreciation in his eyes as Ryuuji finishes, “Of course, that was a mistake. Mr. Laryngitis wouldn’t shut up for the rest of the lunch about you and your studies and how you call every night…”

Mokuba laughs, unashamed (the world knows how close the brothers are and Mokuba doesn’t care), and asks, “So you decided to just randomly drop by?”

“Yeah, pretty much - I was in the neighborhood and thought that you might like to get it confirmed by an eyewitness that your brother is alive and as well as he ever is.” His flippancy might have offended other people but Mokuba knows it’s just part of how Ryuuji is.

So, he nods, accepting that, then suggests, “Want to grab some coffee? If you’re going to tell me about my brother, it might take a while since I’m going to quiz you on every little detail.”

“Lead the way, ki-Mokuba.” It’s a start, even it starts with a stumble.


They’ve finally moved on from Seto (it only took half an hour) and are now chatting about everyone else. Mokuba drops a lump of sugar in his coffee, “Come on, you know that Yugi and Anzu are going to be tying the knot any day now.”

Ryuuji shakes his head, sips his hot chocolate, “They’re so young, though! Don’t you think that they should wait a little longer, settle down properly?”

“Nah.” And for a second, Mokuba looks a little older than usual, glancing up at Ryuuji from wild cow-licked black hair, “They’ve been through enough to know they’re the right choice for each other.”


There’s silence for a little, but Mokuba breaks it again, impish mischief dancing in his eyes, “Does that mean Mai’s going to have to wait a little longer to get a ring on her finger?”

“…” Ryuuji blinks, then laughs, the sound a little off. “That depends on Jounouchi.”

“The mutt?!” Mokuba almost chokes on his coffee, wide-eyed and startled. “But you two- I thought you were together with her. All the papers called you the perfect celebrity couple, and said you were made for each other!”

The smile on Ryuuji’s lips is a little bitter, but there’s no hurt in his eyes, just resignation, “Newsflash, Mokuba. There’s no such thing as a perfect celebrity couple. Celebrities can’t manage too well together - the stress of being apart due to traveling, being spied on all the time, having to devote so much effort to their work and so little to their partners, all of it takes a toll after a while.”

A pause and Ryuuji adds before Mokuba can comment, “Besides. Relationships never work out as long as one person thinks she wants a Prince Charming but is actually in love with a diamond-in-the-rough.”

Ryuuji drinks again while Mokuba’s still speechless, and finishes calmly, “And we were made for each other. As friends. We’re still friends now, so there are no hard feelings. No foul, no penalty.”

The smile he levels at Mokuba is cool, warning Mokuba not to push the topic further, so the teenager nods, ducks his head and searches for a safer topic. Mai dumped Ryuuji for Jounouchi? Wow. Not something he had seen coming, since the two stars had been together for three years now. Best not to ask if Ryuuji had seen it coming, even though Mokuba was now intensely curious as to how the gamer was handling it, and when the break-up would be made public.

He’s spared the problem of what to address next though, when Ryuuji turns the conversation to focus on him, “So, Mokuba, got a girlfriend yet if you’re so interested in everyone else’s love-lives?”

Mokuba splutters again, cheeks turning pink and answers sheepishly, “Eh-heh-heh… Not at the moment. Last serious relationship broke up about four months ago.” He conveniently omits a drunken groping-session from his mental review of the last few months, and overlooks an odd, but pleasant encounter with an ex-girlfriend. Those didn’t count.

“Poor boy. Obviously following in your brother’s footsteps.” Ryuuji snickers, and makes the mistake of draining his cup of hot chocolate - mistake because it means he has his mouth full when he hears Mokuba’s next question:

“So, you’re interested in my brother?”

Mokuba rather likes the way Ryuuji looks when he’s startled: wide, stunned green eyes, lips a little parted with combined shock and outrage, and a flush on his cheeks that could be taken for guilt as Ryuuji shakes his head in fervent denial. “No! I mean, there’s nothing wrong with your brother-” Ryuuji has to add that unless he wants a mini-Kaiba very angry with him, “But no! I only broke up with Mai last month. What makes you think I’m out for another relationship? And why him?”

Far be it from Mokuba to admit he was just teasing when he’s got Ryuuji so flustered. Calmly, adopting his best ‘I’m a psychologist so listen to me!’ tone, and steepling his fingers together, he explained, “You talked to him. At a business lunch. You probably had someone on your other side that you could have talked to, but you chose to talk to Seto-nii-sama instead. And then you spent a whole half hour telling me about him and how he was doing, when most people would have just said that he’s alive and left it at that. And you’re in a similar field to him, and you’re smart enough that he wouldn’t get annoyed with you, and you’re easy enough on the eyes that he couldn’t complain in that area either…”

Mokuba scopes Ryuuji out very blatantly, and Ryuuji finds himself mentally swearing at the fact that a nineteen-year-old is making him want to blush, then Mokuba finishes, “And besides, everyone wants my nii-sama.” His tone is matter-of-fact, not bitter in the least, but Ryuuji gives Mokuba a quick, curious look and wonders to himself what it must be like to grow up in someone else’s shadow, always having the bar set so tall and everyone thinking of your brother once they hear your name.

A little of his thoughts show in his tone as Ryuuji shakes his head, shoots Mokuba an amused grin and comments, “Wrong. I don’t. Again, nothing wrong with him, but he’s married to his work already. And an absolute genius at it, may I add. I wouldn't have expected Duel Monsters to last so long or still be profitable, so it's obvious that Seto and Kaiba Corp are a match made in Heaven. Splitting him apart from Kaiba Corp would be like trying to break Honda and Shizuka apart.”

“You used to try for that!” Mokuba pointed out, thinking more and more that it wouldn’t be too bad to have Ryuuji there in Japan to watch over his brother. Unlike certain gold-diggers, Ryuuji had more than enough money of his to not be a drain to Seto or just want him for his money. And he had a sense of humor and was fun. Someone like that would be good for Seto, and Mokuba only ever wanted his brother to have the best possible.

“No, I used to try for her. Not to split them up. There’s a difference between wanting someone and wanting to break them apart from someone else.” It’s Ryuuji’s turn to sound mature as he gives Mokuba a surprisingly serious look (Mokuba’s cheeks burn as he realizes this goes back to Ryuuji and Mai again), and confesses, “I wasn’t that serious about her anyway. It was just fun getting Jounouchi and Honda worked up.”

The laugh that follows breaks the ice, and Mokuba tries again, “But see, work can’t fight back against you. You don’t need to worry that it’ll bury you in papers for trying to take Seto-nii-sama away from it!”

“You never know. I might end up falling for it instead of Kaiba, then what are you going to do once the two of us duel to death for the title of Worst Workaholic?” Ryuuji deadpans, and Mokuba can’t help but laugh. Ryuuji’s funny. He’d been cool on the Battle Ship too, actually treating Mokuba like he wasn’t just an extension of Seto - just because you love someone doesn’t mean you love being overshadowed and Ryuuji had seen him even when Mokuba had wanted to never leave Seto’s shadow if that meant he could stay with his brother. That had impressed twelve-year-old Mokuba, even as he had insisted that Ryuuji’s attention should be on the duel be on the tournament, not the fact that Mokuba was a Tekken champion.

“Yeah, well, if there was a duel, nii-sama would win!” Mokuba’s old stand-by; when everything else is uncertain, he always has faith in his brother. Always.

Ryuuji chuckles, then sets his mug down with a definite clink, standing up as he does so. Leaning over the table a little, he points out, “You know, you don’t even have a reason to think that I swing that way.”

Mokuba gives him a meaningful look, and counts to five in his head.

The two of them are laughing before he reaches four.

There’s money on the table now, enough to cover the bill for both of them along with a hefty tip, and Ryuuji’s looking for words of farewell, Mokuba can see it in the way his mouth curves, and by all rights, Mokuba should let him go. Ryuuji had no obligation to visit him, and to insist he stay longer would be clinging and decrease the chance of future visits (Mokuba doesn’t even wonder why he’s so keen on having the gamer come again, Ryuuji’s just too fun to not want around), so really, Mokuba ought to let go.

Instead, he closes his hands on Ryuuji’s jacket sleeve, tugs insistently and offers Ryuuji his best pout, “Don’t you dare go yet. Not before I convince you to go out with nii-sama.”

“Nii-sama, nii-sama, nii-sama. It’s always all about nii-sama.” Ryuuji mocks lightly, pulling Mokuba out of his seat by placing his own hand on Mokuba’s wrist and drawing upwards until Mokuba’s on his feet. With an airy flick of his ponytail, Ryuuji studies Mokuba’s eyes for a moment, cynical emerald locked on stormy blue, then laughs and lets go of Mokuba.

There’s something akin to disappointment in his eyes, for just a quick second as Ryuuji murmers gravely, almost as if it were a secret (seven for a secret never to be told but there were eight Battle Ship Duellists), “You know, kid, you need to be a little more selfish.”

Turning to walk off, he tossed over his shoulder, “See you when you’re older.”

Mokuba stands there, looking after him, utterly confused. What on earth did Ryuuji mean that Mokuba needed to be more selfish? Seto had given up everything for him! Of course Mokuba would want Ryuuji to go out with him. There isn’t wrong with wanting Ryuuji to stay a little longer so that Ryuuji can talk to him, so that Ryuuji can joke with him, so that Ryuuji can laugh with him, so that Ryuuji can-

Thoughts faltering, coming to a sudden realization, Mokuba finishes the sentence numbly, So that Ryuuji can spend time with him. And the ‘him’ is Mokuba, not Seto.

This is about him, not Seto. About what he wants, not what he wants for his brother, and even though he might phrase it in terms of Seto’s needs, it's about his own wants.

Mokuba finds the thought almost terrifying, his world collapsing and rebuilding itself so fast that he doesn’t even know when he started running. He only knows he’s skidded to a stop in front of Ryuuji, and the gamer has one eyebrow arched at him inquisitively, and he’s grabbing at Ryuuji’s jacket again (like a little kid but he needs to hold Ryuuji there until words come back to him) and panting.

Finally, he manages to straighten up, to ask Ryuuji with a hint of mischief under his sudden earnestness, “Am I older now?

Green eyes examine him for a moment, and Ryuuji’s lips quirk faintly upwards, “A few seconds older.”

Mokuba doesn’t give him the chance to say anything else, simply decides for the both of them, “That’s old enough,” and leans up to kiss him before Ryuuji can reply.


yuugiou: ryuuji, genre: humor, genre: fluff, fandom: yuugiou, type: slash, yuugiou: mokuba

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